- France knocked Belgium out (of the European Cup). 法国队将比利时队淘汰(出欧洲杯足球赛)了。
- What was the first English club to win the European Cup? 以下哪个俱乐部是第一家英超俱乐部赢得欧洲冠军杯?
- I was a teenager when Nottingham Forest won the European Cup twice. 诺丁汉两夺时我还是个孩子。
- The Blues goal-machine admits he is obsessed with winning the European Cup. 这位蓝军进球机器承认他已经满脑子都是夺取欧冠杯。
- When our team came home after winning the European Cup,they were given a hero's welcome. 我们的球队赢得欧洲杯锦标赛冠军凯旋归来时,受到了热烈的欢迎。
- Sir Alex Ferguson feels it in his bones - United are serious contenders for the European Cup this season. 弗格森爵士坚定的表示,今年曼联队将是欧洲冠军杯的有力争夺者。
- Are they capable of winning the title? Yes. Are they capable of winning the European Cup? Yes. 他们能成为联赛冠军吗?可以。他们能成为欧洲杯冠军吗?没问题。
- When our team came home after winning the European Cup they were given a hero's welcome. 我们的球队赢得欧洲杯锦标赛冠军凯旋归来时,受到了热烈的欢迎。
- Souness went on to become one of our all-time greats and captained the club to the European Cup in Rome in 1984. 索内斯成为了我军的一位传奇人物,并且以队长身份获得了1984年在罗马举行的欧洲冠军杯。
- Five years after Busby's death, the modern United side emulated his greatest feat by winning the European Cup. 巴斯比爵士去世5年之后,一支全新的曼联再次站在了欧洲之巅。
- On another night of great emotion, United triumphed 4-1 after extra-time to win the European Cup for Busby. 那是一个伟大的夜晚,曼联经过加时赛4-1大胜对手为巴斯比爵士获得了冠军。
- Overmars was a diminutive wide man in the young Ajax side which swept past Milan to win the European Cup in 1995. 奥维马斯是年轻的阿贾克斯球队的小个边锋,他在1995年赢得欧冠冠军之后去了米兰。
- In the future I also hoped can do this, national sports team Head Coach Luff after the European Cup also agreed. 未来我也希望能这样做,国家队主教练勒夫在欧洲杯之后也同意了。
- Was elected from Puladini starts, the European Cup expansion of armaments in fact already entered the countdown. 从普拉蒂尼当选开始,欧洲杯扩军实际上已经进入倒计时。
- Having won in the British and American Open Championships,the German golfer was favourite to make his trick in the European Cup. 这位德国高尔夫选手在英国和美国公开锦标赛上赢得了胜利,最有希望在欧洲杯锦标赛上取得三连冠的成绩。
- In1989 he struck twice to destroy Steaua Bucharest in the European Cup final and bring the trophy back to Milan for the first time in20 years. 在1989年,他在欧洲冠军杯与布加勒斯特星队的决赛里梅开二度,帮助米兰在20年之后重新夺回冠军杯。
- Gianfranco Zola believes the demise of Inter Milan and Barcelona will convince Chelsea to make the European Cup their top target. 詹弗兰科.;佐拉相信国际米兰和巴塞罗那的出局;令人确信切尔西将会以争夺欧冠冠军为首要目标。
- It was as crucial as that wonderful fingertip save by Ed de Goey in stoppage time of the European Cup Winners'Cup semi-final against Vicenza. 这跟欧洲优胜者杯半决赛上,Ed de Goey补时阶段漂亮的手指尖扑球同样的关键。
- In 1989 he struck twice to destroy Steaua Bucharest in the European Cup final and bring the trophy back to Milan for the first time in 20 years. 在1989年,他在欧洲冠军杯与布加勒斯特星队的决赛里梅开二度,帮助米兰在20年之后重新夺回冠军杯。
- But when the end of the European Cup back, they told me This season I will continue to stay here, I was confused some, but not those issues. 但当欧洲杯结束归队后,他们又告诉我,我这个赛季将继续待在这里,当时我是有些迷茫,但现在完全没有这些问题。”