- Besides,education,public health and other social undertakings have developed rapidly in the impoverished parts of the ethnic minority areas. 少数民族贫困地区教育、卫生等各项社会事业也得到了较快的发展。
- Besides, education, public health and other social undertakings have developed rapidly in the impoverished parts of the ethnic minority areas. 少数民族贫困地区教育、卫生等各项社会事业也得到了较快的发展。
- Because of historical and geographic reasons, there is still a big gap between the ethnic minority areas and inland and coastal areas in terms of economic and social development. 由于历史、地理等方面的原因,目前少数民族地区的经济和社会发展水平与内地、沿海地区相比仍有很大的差距。
- Because of historical and geographic reasons,there is still a big gap between the ethnic minority areas and inland and coastal areas in terms of economic and social development. 由于历史、地理等方面的原因,目前少数民族地区的经济和社会发展水平与内地、沿海地区相比仍有很大的差距。
- According to statistics,by 1994 the impoverished parts of the ethnic minority areas were mainly located in western China,including five autonomous regions,20 autonomous prefectures and 49 autonomous counties. 据中国有关部门统计,到1994年,少数民族贫困地区主要分布在中国的西部,涉及5个自治区、20个自治州、49个自治县。
- Thanks to the common efforts of all sectors of society,especially the persistent hard work of the cadres and people of the minority areas,the poverty-alleviation work has attained marked achievements in the impoverished parts of the ethnic minority areas. 经过全社会各方面的共同努力,特别是少数民族地区广大干部群众的艰苦奋斗,中国少数民族贫困地区扶贫开发工作取得了明显成效。
- Since 1949,the state has adopted special policies and measures to assist and support the economic development and social progress of the ethnic minority areas in the aspects of capital,technology and personnel. 建国后,国家采取特殊政策和措施,对少数民族地区的经济从资金、技术、人才等方面给予支援和扶持,促进了少数民族地区的经济发展和社会进步。
- According to statistics, by 1994 the impoverished parts of the ethnic minority areas were mainly located in western China, including five autonomous regions, 20 autonomous prefectures and 49 autonomous counties. 据中国有关部门统计,到1994年,少数民族贫困地区主要分布在中国的西部,涉及5个自治区、20个自治州、49个自治县。
- Since 1949, the state has adopted special policies and measures to assist and support the economic development and social progress of the ethnic minority areas in the aspects of capital, technology and personnel. 建国后,国家采取特殊政策和措施,对少数民族地区的经济从资金、技术、人才等方面给予支援和扶持,促进了少数民族地区的经济发展和社会进步。
- The Chinese government lays stress on anti-poverty work in the impoverished parts of the ethnic minority areas and extends to these areas special preferential policies and measures. 针对这一情况,中国政府十分重视少数民族贫困地区的扶贫开发工作,在政策、措施方面给予了重点倾斜和特殊照顾。
- the ethnic minority areas of Gansu Province 甘肃省民族地区
- It enhances the combination of state policies and principles and the concrete conditions of the ethnic minority areas and the integrated development of the state and the ethnic minorities, the better for each to give free rein to its own advantages. 实行民族区域自治,有利于把国家的方针、政策和少数民族地区的具体实际结合起来,有利于把国家的发展和少数民族的发展结合起来,发挥各方面的优势。
- The Chinese government has,as always,paid great attention on the educational and cultural development of the ethnic minority areas,and respected and safeguarded the traditional culture of the minorities. 中国政府历来关心少数民族地区教育文化事业的发展,尊重和重视维护少数民族的传统文化。
- It enhances the combination of state policies and principles and the concrete conditions of the ethnic minority areas and the integrated development of the state and the ethnic minorities,the better for each to give free rein to its own advantages. 实行民族区域自治,有利于把国家的方针、政策和少数民族地区的具体实际结合起来,有利于把国家的发展和少数民族的发展结合起来,发挥各方面的优势。
- Favoring ethnic minority areas in appropriating funds from the central budget. 中央资金重点向少数民族地区倾斜。
- Wu Han are inhabited, scattered and mixed ethnic minority areas. 武都是汉族聚居、少数民族散杂居的地区。
- Reintegrating the Ideas of Natural Ecology in the Economic Development of the Ethnic Minority Areas 民族地区经济发展中自然生态观的重新整合
- The investigation and analysis of the developmental standards in sports and health among the residents in the ethnic minority areas 民族地区居民体育健康发展水平的调查分析
- A Comparative Study of the Nuclews Competition of County Regional Economics of the Ethnic Minority Areas in Liaoning Province 辽宁民族地区县域经济核心竞争力的比较研究
- These policies and measures have greatly promoted the economic development of ethnic minority areas (see Table 3). 这些政策和措施有力地促进了少数民族地区的经济发展(见表三)。