- We won't even mention the ''cultural revolution''. “文化大革命”就更不用说了。
- He primarily uses existing pictures of the Culture Revolution and transforms them by image reversal and smudging. 他原来的作品到现在的这批新历史画,中间经历了一段很长的过程,但追求人与人平等的历史观始终没有改变。
- Chairman Mao had achieved two causes all his life, the New Democratism Revolution and the Culture Revolution. 毛主席一辈子只干了两件事:新民主主义革命和文化大革命;
- Thirdly, the Great Leap and the Culture Revolution is the historic lessoning gist. 第三,“大跃进”和“文化大革命”,是这两大战略提出的历史教训依据。
- The Cultural Revolution made the personality cult reach its peak. 文化大革命把个人崇拜推向了登峰造极的地步。
- Owing to the Cultural Revolution, he received little education. 由于文化大革命,他几乎没上过什么学。
- I'm a normal Chinese woman,although I only graduated from middle school for the Culture Revolution,I'm eager to enthusiasm,friendship,truelove. 我是一个很普通的中国女子;虽然我在文革中只能完成中学学业;但是我向往热情;向往友情;向往真爱.
- He made plenty of political capital during the Cultural Revolution. 文化大革命中,他可捞足了资本。
- During "the Culture Revolution" in China, the traditional commendatory words were polarized obviously and developed toward two opposite directions. 摘要“文革”时期,传统的褒义词语产生了相当明显的分化,并向正、负两个方向发展。
- It is important for summingup the lessons of "The Culture Revolution "profoundly and understanding the inevitabilities of reforming and opening up to study this... 认真探究这段历史,对于深刻总结“文革”教训、更好的理解改革开放的必然性具有十分重要的意义。
- This contradiction presents that china is undergoing the culture revolution in microcosm, and also becomes the moment that Marxist philosophy develops and ideology is recreated. 这一矛盾表明中国社会正在经历一场微观世界的文化革命,同时,这也是马克思主义哲学发展和意识形态创新的契机。
- For China, the successful Olympic bid was a violation of heartbreak real awaking after the pain for memories of full occupations, the Culture Revolution, years of isolation. 对中国来说,这次申奥成功,见证了中国从痛苦记忆中渐渐崛起的历程:从近代被外国佔领,到文化大革命,到后来数年的隔离制裁。
- I think these rules will work,because they did before the Cultural Revolution. 所以我说这个规定可以行得通,因为文化大革命以前就实行通了嘛。
- The saddest period I went through is, of course, the ''cultural revolution''. 我一生最痛苦的当然是“文化大革命”的时候。
- During the Cultural Revolution, China established many May 7th cadre schools. 文革期间,全国开办了大批的“五七干校”。
- The Cultural Revolution and Post -Mao Reforms :AHistorical Perspective[M]. 简论民间法约束力的来源和表现[A].;民间法(第3卷)。
- Many men of letters were criticized in public during the cultural revolution. 文革时期,不少知识分子都被揪斗了。
- Several Tibetan temples were destroyed during the Cultural Revolution. 数座西藏寺庙在文革时期被摧毁了。
- The culture areas are essentially coincident with language areas. 文化区与语言区基本重合。
- Nevertheless, avoidance and lassitude about the period is only on a moral stand, which can not mitigate the great impact made upon us by the Culture Revolution and its unique paintings. 但回避和厌倦只是简单而粗糙的道德立场,它终究无法抵消曾经的“文革”以及“文革绘画”给直至今天的我们带来的巨大影响。