- "Harmony" is the maximal moral and spiritual essence in the Confucian culture. 摘要儒家“和”文化是儒家最高的道德精神要义。
- The most obvious feature of the Confucian culture structurally is ethic centrality. 摘要儒家文化在结构上最大的特点是伦理中心主义。
- This topic reflected the ideology of the Confucian culture in pursue of the ideal personality. 这一命题的提出,体现了儒家文化对理想人格的追求。
- Bailuyuan, a work considered as the direct and mysterious history of a nation, is a concentrated expression of the Confucian culture. 白鹿原》被称为一个民族的秘史,是新时期正面集中反映儒家文化的作品。
- Meanwhile, in contemporary Japan the Confucian culture is stubbornly opposed by those who propose the complete Westernisation. 同时,儒家文化在近代日本遭到全盘西化者的竭力抵制,遭到国粹主义者的积极欢迎。
- In the late 19th and the early 20th century, Liao Shicheng was edified not only by the Confucian culture, but also by pragmatism and scientism. 19世纪末20世纪初,廖世承既受到传统儒家文化的熏陶,又深受实用主义、科学主义等思潮的洗礼。
- The emphasis of the Confucian culture on working together with one heart forms a collectivistic way of management among Japanese enterprises. 儒家传统所倡同心协力精神,形成了日本企业的集团主义经营方式。
- At the end of the 19th century, Ting Wen-chiang was edified not only by the Confucian culture, but also by the western pragmatism, liberalism and scientific thoughts. 19世纪末,丁文江既受到传统儒家文化的熏陶,又深受当时西方的实证主义、自由主义和科学思潮的洗礼。
- In the age of globalization, the Confucian culture is of important value which can play an irreplaceable role in providing spiritual resources and humanistic wisdom for the economic globalization. 在全球化时代,儒家文化具有重要价值,它可以扮演西方文化扮演不了的角色,为经济全球化提供重要的精神资源和人文智慧。
- Although China, the Korean Peninsula and Japan belong to the Confucian cultural circle in history, they vary in their different cultural peculiarities. 中朝(韩)日在历史上虽说都属儒家文化圈,但是各国还存在着不同文化特殊性。
- The Confucian Culture in the Eye of Hermann Hesse 赫尔曼·黑塞视野中的儒家文化及其启示
- The Islam culture and the Confucianist culture's union will be the Western world primary opponent. 伊斯兰文化与儒家文化的联合将是西方世界的主要对手。
- The Confucian Temple was built in his honor. 孔庙是为纪念孔子而建的。
- The second part specifically elaborated official and between the Confucianist culture dissemination relations. 第二部分具体论述了循吏和儒家文化传播之间的关系。
- Are the Confucian teachings still relevant? 孔孟思想还有用吗?
- Simultaneously this part also introduced official disseminates the Confucianist culture social background and the time condition. 同时这一部分还介绍了循吏传播儒家文化的社会背景和时代条件。
- Reviviscence of the Confucian academy. 儒者的因惑:复兴的书院与读经现象。
- The Confucian middle way was not their way. 儒家中庸之道似乎从来不是他们的考虑。
- Obtains from the Confucianist culture historical origin as well as the Confucianist culture development, the system studies the Confucianist culture to the martial arts influence. 从儒家文化的历史渊源以及儒家文化的发展入手,系统研究儒家文化对武术影响。