- The communication of rumors must be stopped. 谣言的传播必须制止。
- the Commune of Paris 巴黎公社
- They live on the outskirts (ie in an outlying district) of Paris. 他们住在巴黎市郊。
- The next flight doesn't go direct to Rome; it goes by way of Paris. 下一架班机不直接飞往罗马,中途经过巴黎。
- Climb to the top of Eiffel Tower if you want a bird's eye-view of Paris. 如果想鸟瞰巴黎,你可登到埃菲尔塔顶上。
- They supported the communications of the Allied Forces. 这些卫星保障了多国部队的通信畅通无阻。
- He begins a personal project, within the West-Indian community of Paris. 在巴黎的西印度群岛人聚集的社区里,他创办了一个个人项目。
- Vicky Harjo lives in a trailer, also in the community of Fallbrook. 维姬.;哈周也住在法布罗克社区,她住在拖车活动房里。
- The principles of Paris Commune are eternal. 巴黎公社的原则是永存的。
- Some of the commune's land was made over to that factory. 公社的一部分土地转让给了那家工厂。
- Eleven hours out of Paris, the Air France plane let down into Rio de Janeiro. 法国航空公司的飞机在飞离巴黎11个小时之后,在里约热内卢减速下降。
- After year's end distribution every family of the commune has money to bank up. 在年终分配之后,这个公社家家户户都有钱存入银行。
- Spitting in the street leads to the communication of disease. 随地吐痰招致疾病的传播。
- They lived on the outskirts of Paris. 他们住在巴黎郊区。
- The commune has embarked on a program of reshaping its hills and rivers. 这个公社已开始实施一项重新整治河山的规划。
- Situated just to the east of the town of St-Emilion in the commune of Saint Etienne de Lisse. 布朗克古堡位于圣埃米利永产区圣艾蒂安-利丝小镇的东部。
- They live on the outskirts of Paris. 他们居住在巴黎市郊。
- On the Communication of Natural Science and Academic Learning? 科学与人文:分离还是整合?
- He frequents the market quarter of Paris. 他经常去逛巴黎的商业区。
- The community of Meado Wood, adjoined the southwest limits of the airfield. 梅多伍德的居民区和机场的西南边缘接壤。