- The colonial officer went so far as to order his men to snoot down all escaping villagers. 殖民地官员竞命令他的部下用格打死所有的逃出的村民。
- The colonial officer went so far as to order his men to shoot down all escaping villagers. 殖民地官员竟命令他的部下开枪打死所有出逃的村民。
- From the start we were in a race: could we find Grivas before the Colonial Office stitched up a ramshackle deal? 我们从一开始就处于竞赛状态:我们能在殖民部达成草率的交易之前找到格里瓦斯呢?
- The Colonial Office was trying to pursue political negotiations in a deteriorating security situation, relying on the Army to keep order. 在安全日益恶化的形势下,殖民部正依赖军队维持秩序,并竭力谋求政治谈判。
- The colonial officer went so far as to order his men to shoot downall escaping villagers. 殖民地官员竟命令他的部下开枪打死所有出逃的村民。
- The colonial officer went so far as to order his men to snootdown all escaping villagers. 殖民地官员竞命令他的部下用格打死所有的逃出的村民。
- The Colonial Secretary was continued in office. 殖民大臣留任。
- Then the Crown colonies, in which the rule of the British Home government (through the Colonial Office) verged on autocracy, as in Ceylon, Trinidad and Fiji (where there was an appointed council), and Gibraltar and St Helena (where there was a governor). 再后面是英国政府直辖殖民地,在这些殖民地,英国本国政府的统治(通过殖民部)简直是专制,譬如锡兰、特立尼达,斐济(那儿有个任命的理事会)、直布罗陀和圣赫勒拿(那儿有个总督)。
- The Colonial era of U.S.history;the Kennedy era. 美国历史上的殖民时期;肯尼迪时代
- The Colonial Secretary was continued in office . 殖民大臣留任。
- The resistance movement started a campaign of terror against the colonial rulers. 抵抗运动开展了一场反对殖民统治者的恐怖活动。
- All of the colonies are up in arms against him. 所有的殖民地均奋起与他作斗争。
- All of the colonies were up in arms against him. 所有的殖民地均奋起与他作斗争。
- Ultimately, all the colonies will become independent. 所有的殖民地最终均将独立。
- The Colonial era of U.S. history; the Kennedy era. 美国历史上的殖民时期;肯尼迪时代
- the Colonial Office (英国的)殖民部(现已与外交部合并)
- All the morning the colonials had been gathering. 整个早晨殖民地居民都在聚集。
- The colony has now attained nationality. 这块殖民地现已获得独立。
- The colonies combined to form the United States . 那些殖民地联合起来组成了美国。
- Of or relating to the colonial period in the United States. 英领殖民地时期的美国殖民地时期的或与这相关