- However, some US Congressmen in Buenos Aires said they opposed any such actions taken by the Clinton Administration. 然而某些在布宜诺斯艾利斯的美国国会众议员说,他们反对克林顿政府作出任何这类的行动。
- Really, I think it's going well right now, no matter the Clinton administration or the Bush administration. 是的,我认为中美两国现在很好,不管是克林顿政府还是现在的布什政府。
- Lieber also describes foreign policy under the Clinton administration, as the threat of war was no more. 利伯尔还分析了不再有战争威胁的克林顿政府时期的外交政策。
- The ISG has sought opinion from senior members of the Clinton administration as well as the Bush administration. ISG调查小组尽可能从克林顿政府执政时期的一些资深议员中征求意见,同样他们也征求了老布什总统时期的一些官员。
- The Clinton administration, meanwhile, mulled the use of private debt collectors in tax collection. 克林顿政府也在这个时候着手考虑在税收征收中增加利用私人债务征收的项目催收员。
- Robert Rubin, another former top official of the company, served as Treasury secretary in the Clinton Administration. 另一位公司的前高层官员罗伯特.;鲁宾在克林顿政府任财政部部长。
- R. served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations during the Clinton administration. R.;曾在克林顿政府期间担任美国大使。
- For more than a half decade,the Clinton administration was shoveling atomic secrets out the door as fast as it could,literally by the ton. 但是哗然掩盖了一个事实,近五年来,克林顿政府以尽可能快的速度向外界泄漏美国核机密。
- Now,the Congress and the Clinton Administration [for its own self-serving purposes] are proceeding to act on the Security officials'interpretation. 现在,国会和克林顿政府(为自身目的)开始根据安全官员们的说法采取行动。
- The Clinton Administration and most of the technically ill-equipped media have repeated it over and over so many times that it is conceivable that they now believe it themselves. 克林顿政府和大多数技术知识贫乏的媒体一遍又一遍地重复这个指责,并认为有此可能,以至于他们自己都相信真有其事。
- It suggests that there were "Lab-to-Lab" programs with the PRC during the Reagan Administration and that the Clinton Administration merely revived them. 它暗示在里根执政时就有实验室之间的项目,克林顿政权只是把它恢复了而已。
- The Clinton Administration has decided to foster use of "Clipper Chips" in government communications equipment, thus allowing the FBI et al. to eavesdrop on computerized messages. 克林顿政府已经决定在政府通讯设备中提倡使用“快艇晶片”,这样能让联邦调查局等单位监听电脑化讯息。
- For more than a half decade, the Clinton administration was shoveling atomic secrets out the door as fast as it could, literally by the ton. 但是哗然掩盖了一个事实,近五年来,克林顿政府以尽可能快的速度向外界泄漏美国核机密。
- Fried, a former U.S. Ambassador to Poland, worked at the White House National Security Council during the Clinton administration. 弗雷德是原美国驻波兰大使,在克林顿总统任期内曾在白宫国家安全委员会工作。
- Richardson dropped out of the Democratic presidential race in January and had previously served in cabinet positions in the Clinton administration. 一月在民主党候选总统的竞争中被逐出局,他之前做过克林顿政府的内阁。
- In retrospect, it’s clear that the Clinton administration went along too easily with moves to deregulate the financial industry. 回顾过去,克林顿政府对于放松金融监管的措施明显地过于轻率。
- Two prominent figures from the Clinton administration, Richard Holbrooke and Ronald Asmus argue that Putin's real goal is "regime change" in Georgia. 两个突出的数字,从克林顿政府时期,霍尔布鲁克和夏佳理asmus认为,普京的真正的目标是“政权更替”在格鲁吉亚。
- Altman, who served as a Treasury undersecretary in the Clinton Administration and now runs Evercore Partners, a small, independent investment bank. 他曾在任克林顿政府的财政部任职,现在在掌管着一家小, 独立的投资银行。
- Now, the Congress and the Clinton Administration [for its own self-serving purposes] are proceeding to act on the Security officials' interpretation. 现在,国会和克林顿政府(为自身目的)开始根据安全官员们的说法采取行动。