- The Buddhist monk disrooted a tree. 那个和尚把一棵树连根拔起。
- The Buddhism yearns for vimukta, and goes after nirvana realm. 佛家崇尚解脱,追求涅磐境界。
- The old monkpassed away in the Buddhist temple. 老和尚在寺院中圆寂。
- Firstly, the criticism to the Buddhist ontologie. 伊斯兰教肯定并提倡正常的婚姻关系,回族学者批判佛教徒离家修行的行为。
- The SGI exists to widely propagate the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. 总之,SGI的宗旨是为了广宣流布日莲大圣人佛法。
- One must read the Buddhist classics to get to know Buddhism. 想了解佛教,必须先读佛典。
- Song Mountain, the middle Yue, most famous for the Buddhism temple and the traditional martial arts. 中岳嵩山上有多处寺院,特别是禅宗寺院少林寺的中国功夫响誉世界。
- The Buddhism temple economy, is the Buddhism culture, the Buddhism whole soil and the foundation. 佛教寺院经济,是佛教文化、佛教整体赖以生存的土壤和基础。
- As the main method of expressing the Buddhism, Metaphor embodies the thought and literature in Lotus Sutra. 譬喻是《法华经》的主要表法方式,是佛学义理和文学性高度结合的体现。
- The third part of this text, has elucidated the subordination question of the Buddhism thought of Hui yuan. 本文第三部分,阐发了慧远佛学思想的统属问题。
- The pagoda of the Buddhist monk Tan Ran. 坦然和尚塔。
- Did you go to visit the Buddhist temple? 你去参观那座佛寺了吗?
- The old monk passed away in the Buddhist temple. 老和尚在寺院中圆寂。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The Buddhism brought to China initially encompassed both the old Theravada (Shravakayana) and the new Mahayana sets. 佛教给中国带来了原汁原味的大乘佛教教义及小乘佛教教义。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- He exerted the Buddhism principles aptly on society and politics, consolidated the Buddhism and life. 他将佛教禅宗义法灵活运用到社会政治中,实践了佛教与人生的统一。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。