- the Bei Wei Dynasty 北魏
- A view on the cause of Cui Hao accident in Bei Wei Dynasty 拓拔鲜卑统治者的心态与崔浩国史之狱
- Bei Wei Dynasty 北魏
- The Regional Distribution and the Characteristics of the Woman Participating in Political Affairs during the Bei wei to the Sui and the Tang Dynasties 北魏至隋唐时期女性参政的地域分布及其特征
- Compared with the other poets.The poetess Li Qingzhao was the most outstanding at the end of the Bei Song Dynasty. 于北宋末期登上词坛的杰出的女词人李清照与其他男性词人相比是别树一帜。
- When the Northern Wei Dynasty Qinzhou South East Yizhou Wudu County. 北魏时为南秦州,东益州武都郡。
- In the Nan and the Bei Dynasty, the frontier poems remain in the developmental state, with the inadequate skill of art. 南北朝边塞诗在边塞诗发展史上处于奠基的阶段,艺术上仍显稚嫩。
- When I was a student at Beijing Foreign Studies University (Bei Wei), I had never met another American who could speak both Chinese and Korean. 当我在北外学习还是一个学生的时候,我从来都没有遇见过另外一个美国人即会说中文又会说韩语的。
- This is Pu Jie in the Bei Fu Yuan, not in the Gong wang fu yuan. 您是说溥杰在北府,不是在王府是吧?
- The Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) set up Shanshan and Yanqi garrison commands to strengthen its administration of the Western Regions. 北魏王朝设置鄯善镇、焉耆镇,加强对西域的治理。
- At last, spreading out, brings to light the contribution that Ouyang Xiu and Lu Ling scholars made to the development of academic thought in the middle of the Bei Song Dynasty. 最后铺展到面,揭示了欧阳修与庐陵学人对北宋中期学术思想发展之贡献。
- The dancers' images are varied, ranging from the Northern Wei Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty. 其中乐舞形象自成体系,琳琅满目,自北魏至元代,均有乐舞形象留存,
- Taiwu Emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty was the de facto inaugurator of the hanization of the Northern Wei Dynasty. 太武帝实是北魏汉化的开创者 ,但在这时 ,汉化还刚刚起步 ,充满了矛盾 ,且历经曲折。
- The appointed pre-provinces that appeared in the late stage of Bei Wei are products under paricular social and historical condition,and had great influence on development of political situation. 出现在北魏后期的委授行台是特定社会历史背景下的产物,对当时政局的发展产了巨大的影响。
- In Yuan Shao's Tomb of the Northern Wei Dynasty, there are two figures of ethnic hu people. 北魏元邵墓有两件"胡人俑"
- The monk, Yu Yao, was ordered by the emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) to supervise the historic project. 这个和尚就是北魏文成帝任命的和尚统领昱曜。
- AD 265, Si Mayan of Si Mayi's grandchild builds the Western Jin Dynasty on behalf of Wei Dynasty. 摘要公元265年,司马彭之孙司马炎代魏称帝建立西晋。
- Datong bronzes of a long history and superb technique, as early as the Northern Wei Dynasty, famous. 大同的铜器历史悠久,工艺精湛,早在北魏时期,就享有盛名。
- In recent years, there are some new materials about Northern Wei Dynasty epitaphs unearthed in Luoyang. 近年来,洛阳出土北魏墓志又出现了一些新的材料。
- How does the survival in the earthquake cast off bloodcurdling memory and the Bei deep sorrow that lose a dear one? 地震中的幸存者如何摆脱恐怖的回忆和失去亲人的悲恸?