- Baojia Hill Reservoir in the southeast, the legend that Tang Wang had been in the mountain Wai, the Minister was timely Jiujia Fortunately, the only difficult from Ecuador, Hill was Ciming "Bao Jia. 保驾山在水库东南,传说当年唐王曾在此山被围,幸被大臣及时救驾,才免于厄难,所以山被赐名“保驾”。
- Two people fight before this nine times, the Bao Chunlai 6 win 3 defeats occupy superiorly. 两人此前交手九次,鲍春来6胜3负占优。
- The furniture of functional creed style, criterion the Bao Hao with illustrious and famous traceable this institute. 功能主义风格的家具,则起源于赫赫有名的包豪斯学院。
- Bao- Jia system (household security system) 保甲制度
- The Bao Son Hotel offers easy access to embassies, government offices, numerous tourist attractions and the nearby Giang Vo Exhibition Centre. 越南河内宝山酒店提供便捷驻外使领馆,政府机关,众多的旅游景点及附近的江武展览中心举行。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- Muqun total area of 18 square kilometers, including the Bao Zi Shan, Zhao Ping Shan, and several other Muqu Dome, 14 burials have been cleared, Juma Keng 2. 墓群总面积18平方公里,包括大堡子山、赵坪圆顶山等几个墓区,已清理墓葬14座,车马坑2座。
- Do you know how to log in to the system? 你知道怎么登录进入这个系统吗?
- Famous temple, the history of Wenrenmoke visit to many, leaving a large number Psalm Travels, contemporary monk Master Ming Shan Temple of the Bao Linsi wrote. 古寺声名远扬,历史上文人墨客参访者甚多,留下大量诗篇游记,当代高僧茗山法师为宝林寺题写寺名。
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
- The Bao Ning temple that right Yu Chengxing builds 500 years ago, mosque audience hall, the purlin girder with that thick surround originates in a prefectural power far one belt. 五百年前右玉城兴建的宝宁寺,清真寺大殿,那合围粗的檩柁就产于本县威远一带。
- The system works on the principle that heat rises. 该项装置是按照热力上升的原理运转的。
- The drainage system has been aged. 排水系统已经老化了。
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。
- He said he used this system in the year dot. 他说他很久以前用过这个系统。
- Comrade Li's excellent presentation on the ambitious future development plans of the Bao An Foreign Trade Base were soon drowned out by the crescendo of great growling gringo stomachs. 李同志介绍的宝安外贸基地未来远大发展计划十分精彩,但很快就被外国佬肚子里发出的越来越响的咕噜声所淹没。
- The system can translate English into Chinese. 这个系统能将英语译为汉语。
- "Skinhead" style show the success of the Bao Chunlai tomorrow's young rival Japan Sasaki Xiang believed that the small abalone do not need to bring a new style of the "lucky" to win. 以“光头”造型成功亮相的鲍春来明天的对手日本小将佐佐木翔,相信这次小鲍不需要新造型带来的“幸运”来取胜。
- The caste system is still strong in India. 种姓制度在印度仍然很牢固。
- The Bao Steel is China's most competitive steel enterprise with an annual output of 20 million tons of steel and provides top-grade steel products to the international and domestic markets. 年产钢能力2000万吨左右的上海宝钢集团公司是中国最具竞争力的钢铁企业,为国内及海外市场提供国际顶尖级水准的钢铁产品。