- And then the Asian financial crisis hit. 接著就碰到了亚洲金融危机。
- The Asian Financial Crisis happened in July 1997. 亚洲金融危机发生于1997年7月。
- When will the Asian financial crisis end? 这场亚洲金融风暴何时会结束?
- His company went bankrupt during the Asian Financial Crisis. 他的公司在亚洲金融危机中倒闭了。
- The Asian Financial Crisis was beyond some governments'control. 亚洲金融危机曾使一些政府失去了控制。
- Many banks collapsed during the Asian Financial crisis. 许多银行在亚洲金融风暴中破产了。
- Korea's Rise in the Aftermath of the Asian Financial Crisis? 韩国缘何最先走出金融危机阴影?
- The Asian Financial crisis caused panic selling of securities. 亚洲金融危机引起了债券 的恐慌抛售.
- Business has been bad, not least because of the Asian financial crisis. 生意一直不好,相当重要的原因是亚洲金融危机。
- The bubble had burst. The Asian financial crisis was about to begin. 泡沫破灭了。亚洲金融危机即将开始。
- The Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 contradicted these simplified convictions. 这种简明的信念由于1997年7月开始的亚洲金融危机而遭受了沉重的打击。
- The first reason was that the effect of the Asian financial crisis was more serious than we had expected. 第一,我原来没有估计到亚洲金融危机的影响这么大。
- Soon after this government took office, the Asian financial crisis struck, and world economic growth stagnated. 本届政府初期,亚洲金融危机冲击,世界经济增长放慢;
- Chaos and an economic downturn have followed this development in the wake of the Asian Financial Crisis. 而在亚洲金融危机开始时,取代经济增长的是混乱和经济低迷。
- As the Asian financial crisis swept through the region,our economy came under tremendous strain. 亚洲金融风暴席卷整个区域,香港的经济因而出现逆转。
- In the second half of 1998,China's exports registered a negative growth because of the Asian financial crisis. 1998年下半年,受亚洲金融危机的影响,我国外贸出口一度出现负增长。
- Faced with the shocks of the Asian financial crisis,China has committed to non-devaluation of the RMB exchange rate. 面对亚洲金融危机的冲击,中国一直保持人民币汇率不贬值。
- Soon after this government took office,the Asian financial crisis struck,and world economic growth stagnated. 本届政府初期,亚洲金融危机冲击,世界经济增长放慢。
- A: The Asian financial crises have almost paralyzed Asian economy. 亚洲金融危机几乎使亚洲经济瘫痪。
- In face of the Asian financial crisis, China would rather suffer losses in its foreign trade than devalue its currency. 面对亚洲金融危机的压力,中国宁愿外贸受损失也决不让人民币贬值。