- The Aides and Staff in Yuan Shikai's Troop Training 幕府与袁世凯练兵
- the Aides and Staffs 胥吏
- Yan Fu and the Aids and Staff of the Late Qing Dynasty 严复与晚清幕府
- Some of the teachers and staff members board out. 有些住在学校的教职工在外搭伙。
- Contemporary brain truster, already was head and shoulders above a tradition " aides and staff " , " expostulate with guest " , " adviser " meaning. 现代智囊,已远远超出传统的“幕僚”、“谏客”、“谋士”的意义。
- The political functions of the warlord aides and staff system consist of political strategy, political implementation, political mobilization and even political harmonization. 摘要军阀幕僚实质上是传统幕僚政治在民国时期的延续和发展,其政治功能主要有政治运筹、政治执行、政治动员和政治协调等几个方面。
- Look from the expert's identity, have " the official is sent " , " aides and staff is sent " , " the institute is sent " , " leave exoticism " , " foreign nationality is sent " etc. 从观点上分,有“全局过热派”、“局部过热派”、“过热苗头派”、“微热苗头派”、“有冷有热派”、“慎言过热派”等等。
- The aged peasant is advancing slowly with the aid of a cane. 那老农凭借手杖的帮助,慢慢地往前走。
- To review the governance and staff structure. 检讨管治层及职员架构。
- mechanisms of warlord's aides and staff 幕僚机制
- The textile mill has over800 workers and staffs, eighty percent of whom are women. 这个纺织厂有八百多名职工,其中百分之八十是妇女。
- The old man hobbled along (the road) with the aid of his stick. 那老汉拄著拐杖一瘸一拐地走著。
- The old man hobble along with the aid of his stick. 那老人借助手杖蹒跚而行。
- He added that Britain and France must first agree on the military strategy, and staff talks to that end should therefore take place. 他补充道,英国和法国首先须在军事战略上达成一致。因而,应举行有关的幕僚会谈以达到该目的。
- A Brief Discussion of Jiang Jie Shi's Aides and Staffs 略论蒋介石幕府
- But donor countries claimed that the Palestinian autonomous region lacks necessary mechanisms for handling the aid and accounting items and therefore refused to completely fulfill this promise. 但援助国声称,巴自治地区缺少必要的处理援助款的机制和会计帐目,因此拒绝完全履行这一承诺。
- The studies necessarily ignore the tradeoff between foreign aid and tariff reductions; if the former reduces pressure for the latter, the net effect of the aid on the recipient nations could be negative. 这些研究不可避免地忽略了对外援助和关税减免之间的利弊权衡问题;如若前者可以减轻后者所受的压力的话(指由于捐助国的对外援助,可使对其关税减免的呼声减弱,压力减小),这种援助对受助国的影响最终将会是消极的,负面的。
- They seized power with the aid of the armed forces. 他们靠武装夺取了政权。
- It was charged that he aided and abetted the enemy. 他被控通敌。
- Since the implementation of the program, the Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers (SARDA) has rendered counseling services to 46 methadone patients contracted with HIV. 自计划推行至今,香港戒毒会协助卫生署处理了其中46宗感染个案,并于2006年4月获艾滋病信托基金拨款推行星火行动计划,加强对感染艾滋病病毒的美沙酮维持治疗人士的支持。