- The method of the AA induced by FCA. 佐剂性关节炎法;
- the AA structure AA式
- This article analysizes the problems in the AA Gun course setter which happened in combat training. The author set forward ways and principles to improve the structure design. 分析了某型牵引高射炮航路装定器在作战训练中存在的问题,提出了改进结构的设计思想和结构设计原理。
- The AA bit specifies whether the branch is an absolute or relative branch. AA位指定了转移是绝对转移还是相对转移。
- The AA artillery units were collaborating with the Watch and Air Alarm Service. 通常,防空炮兵团和空袭观测预警组织协同作战。
- The AA has awarded the major franchises on aviation support services that are required on airport opening. 机管局已批出机场启用所需的各项主要航空辅助服务专营权。
- The AA provided a wide range of programmes to cater for the immense local and international interest in the new airport. 由于本港和世界各国人士均对新机场甚感兴趣,机管局因此举办了多项活动,以作介绍。
- In October, the AA signed a $5 billion Note Issuance Programme arranged by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. 同年十月,机管局更就香港金融管理局为其安排的50亿元票据发行计划,进行签约。
- In October,the AA signed a $5 billion note issuance programme arranged by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. 同年十月,机管局更就香港金融管理局为其安排的50亿元票据发行计划,进行签约。
- The two halves of the structure didn't marry up. 该结构的两部分未配合好。
- After acupuncture, the weight increase of the AA rats is slowed, andthat of the bondage rats is quickened. aa 大鼠针灸后体重增长减慢,束缚组大鼠针灸后体重增长速度加快。
- This instruction format also supports the AA and LK bits in the same fashion as the BD format. 同BD格式一样,这一指令格式也支持AA和LK位。
- High winds put great stress on the structure. 大风作用于该建筑物上而产生巨大的应力。
- It will also pave the way for the listing of bonds issued by government owned corporations, such as the HKMC, the MTRC, the AA and the KCRC, and eventually of corporate bonds. 此举亦可为公营机构(如香港按揭证券有限公司、地下铁路公司、机场管理局和九广铁路公司)及私营机构债券的上市铺路。
- The structure had keeled over in the high winds. 那座建筑物让大风给刮倒了。
- Especially when the bottle contains mineral water which tastes bland, the AA smell becomes unacceptable. 尤其是PET瓶子盛载淡然无味的矿泉水时,AA味道会变得难以接受。
- Considering the elastic deformation of the barrel,the AA gun is simplified into a multi-rigid body dynamic model. 同时考虑身管弹性变形,建立了火炮发射时的多刚体动力学模型。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The Tulsa Drillers the AA Texas League Team is mourning the death of their coach. 德州棒球职业小联盟成员塔而萨.;钻孔者棒球队正在哀悼他们死去的教练。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。