- The whole country was anxious for peace. 全国上下都渴望和平。
- Terrorism is a threat to the whole country. 恐怖主义是整个国家的祸根。
- The whole country resisted the invaders. 全民抗击侵略者。
- The policy united the whole country in resistance to the occupation forces. 这一政策把全国人民团结起来反抗占领军。
- The whole country is a single entity. 全国一盘棋。
- He planned to tramp the whole country. 他计划徒步走遍全国。
- The dictator tyrannized over the whole country. 独裁者对全国实行极权统治。
- The violent revolution upturned the whole country. 这场暴力革命使整个国家天翻地覆。
- The whole country shuts up shop on Christmas Day. 圣诞节全国放假。
- This should be made known to the whole country. 这要让全国都知道。
- His power extends over the whole country. 他的势力扩大到全国。
- The whole country came to their rescue. 全国都来救援他们。
- The whole country was anxious for the war to end. 全国人民都渴望结束战争。
- Her sudden death dealt a blow to the whole country. 她突然逝世,举国上下为之震惊。
- The whole country was horrified by the killings. 全国都对这些凶杀案感到大为震惊。
- The news was broadcast to the whole country. 这一消息对全国广播了。
- In 1960, the whole country was optimistic. 1960年,举国上下一片乐观气氛。
- It was not long before the whole country rose up. 没过多久,全国就举行了起义。
- Bird flu invaded the whole country. 禽流感侵袭全国。
- The whole country was in a state of ferment. 整个国家处于动乱局面。