- The Turk was smiling. 这个“土耳其人”满面微笑。
- What was beautiful was that the Turk was underrating him as a punk kid. 眼前妙就妙在“土耳其人”看不起他,把他当作小阿飞。
- McCluskey has agreed to be The Turk's bodyguard. 迈克劳斯基是索拉索的保镖,你必须要了解,山尼。
- Only a tenth of the audience was smiling. 只有很小一部分观众笑了。
- The bridegroom was smiling broadly. 新郎满面笑容。
- That we'll have to give the Turk his deal. 这样看来,我们不得不同意‘土耳其人’提出的交易。
- Her mouth seemed always to be smiling, even in repose. 她的嘴角似乎总是挂着微笑,即使在睡眠时也是这样。
- The children were smiling happily. 孩子们在幸福地微笑。
- He was speaking out, he said because the Turks are the ethnic brothers of the Turkic Muslim Uigur. 他大声疾呼是因为土耳其是维吾尔穆斯林的宗教盟友。
- Rosabel saw that she was smiling as she read . 罗莎贝尔看见她边读边笑。
- The Turks were ancient nomads active on the northwestern and northern grasslands of China from the sixth to the eighth centuries. 突厥是公元六世纪到八世纪活跃于中国西北和北方草原的古代游牧民族。
- He was relieved that she was smiling. 因为她在微笑,他放心了。
- With some financial and military support the turks were able to to get the Senussi to join the fight against the British. 于是,在土耳其人的军事与财政支援下,塞努西又开始加入了反英阵线。
- Rosabel saw that she was smiling as she read. 罗莎贝尔看见她边读边笑。
- The Turks were the first country to adopt it as a drink, often adding spices such as clove, cinnamon, cardamom and anise to the brew. 土耳其是第一个把咖啡用为饮料的国家,他们通常会把一些香料加入到这种饮料中,如丁香,肉桂,豆蔻和八角。
- The Turks were the first countries to adopt it as a drink, often adding spices such as clove, cinnamon, cardamom and anise to the brew. 土耳其人第一个将它当作饮料,并且加入丁香、桂皮、小豆蔻和八角茴香等到饮料中。
- Her manner was friendly and she was smiling. 她态度友好,春风满面。
- She was smiling and looked so beautiful and brave. 她微笑着,看起来又漂亮又勇敢。