- The trees are charred. 树被烧焦了。
- The trees are just beginning to leaf. 树刚刚开始长叶子。
- The trees are budding early this year. 今年树木发芽早。
- The trees are bare in the winter. 冬天的时候,树上的叶子全掉光了,光秃秃的。
- The trees are bathed in moonlight. 树林沐浴在月光中。
- The trees are bushing out sideways. 这些树正往四周长杈。
- The tree was nearly sawn through. 这棵树几乎被锯断了。
- The branches of the trees are swaying in the wind. 树枝在风中来回晃悠。
- The branches of the trees were swaying in the wind. 树枝在风中摇晃。
- The trees were naked during autumn. 秋天里树木都是光秃秃的。
- The trees are beginning to push out new shoots. 树开始长出嫩枝了。
- The trees were leveled by the typhoon. 树木被台风刮倒了。
- The leaves of the tree are dying off. 树上的叶子相继枯死。
- The trees were planted at 20 ft intervals. 这些树是每隔20英尺栽种一棵的。
- The tree was struck by lightning. 那棵树被雷电击中了。
- The trees are late coming into blossom his year. 今年这些树开花开得迟。
- The birds in the trees are singing away. 树上的小鸟在不停地唱歌。
- The trees are beginning to leaf out. 树木正在开始长叶。
- The tree was covered with beautiful pink blossom. 这树开满了美丽的粉红色的花。
- The tree was fenced around with wire. 那棵树被铁丝网围了起来。