- The screen is frozen. 屏幕不动了。
- Jun: Nothing happens. The screen is black. 什么反应没有。屏幕是黑色的。
- Paulo: But the screen is relatively small. 保罗:可是屏幕却比较小。
- The image on the screen is shimmering. 屏幕上的图案不清晰。
- The screen is oriented at 270 degrees. 屏幕的方向为270度。
- The screen is sensitive and can respond to slight touch. 触摸屏反应灵敏,能响应轻微的触碰。
- The act of drawing on the screen is known as painting. 这种在屏幕上进行绘制的操作称为“绘画”。
- The screen is a beautiful beach volleyball mobile game! 画面很精美的一款沙滩排球手机游戏!
- A terrific game, the screen is also good, recommended. 一款非常棒的游戏,画面也很好,推荐。
- The screen is left blank melancholy and memorable past it? 空白画面留下的是惆怅、难忘的往事吗?
- Do you see that the river is frozen? 你看见河里结冰了吗?
- The water of the river is frozen solid. 河水都冻成坚冰了。
- The screen is dotted with various stars, holy and great. 天暮被无数多样的星星打点的神圣美丽。
- The frequency with which the entire image on the screen is redrawn. 屏幕上的图像再次扫描的频率。
- Freezes the action and darkens the screen while the player charges a super. While each player is frozen, no time passes for them. (Their state times don't increase, etc. 当游戏者载入一个超级暂停时冻结动作并使屏幕变暗。当各游戏者都被冻结后,他们的时间停止(他们的状态时间不增加)。
- Is the classic game of backgammon cell phone. The screen is beautiful! 非常经典的五子棋手机游戏。画面很精美!
- Finally, the screen is only the face and Lai Kin familiar phrase, "Kenzo. 最后的画面只是健的脸和礼那句熟悉的“健三”。
- The weather is cold and the ground is frozen. 天寒地冻。
- The screen was all dark save for one bright spot. 除一个光点外屏幕上一片黑暗。
- It is difficult to dig the grand when it is frozen. 地面冻住了就不易挖掘