- The pink book is thin. 这本粉红色的书是薄的。
- The book is a compendium of their poetry, religion and philosophy. 这本书是他们诗歌、宗教和哲学的概略。
- The book is intelligible to anyone. 这本书任何人都看得懂。
- His book is the best on the subject after mine. 他的书对这一问题的论述是最好的,仅次于我的书。
- The book is weighed down with footnotes. 这本书注脚过多而变得枯燥无味。
- The antique table went to the lady in the pink hat. 这张古董桌子卖给那位戴粉红色帽子的女士了。
- The book is intended for beginners. 本书是为初学者编写的。
- The preface of this book is very brief. 这本书的序言非常简短。
- Although he is thin, he has good digestive power. 尽管他很瘦,他的消化能力挺好。
- The book is admirable in respect of style. 这本书风格极佳。
- She chose the red sweater rather than the pink one. 她选中那件红毛衣而不要那件粉红的。
- The three children are all in the pink. 三个孩子都很健康。
- His face is thin and very tanned. 他的面孔瘦削,晒得黑黑的。
- The book is adorned with excellent illustrations. 书内有精美插图。
- The book is filled with remarkable insights. 这本书很有真知卓见。
- The pink of the apple-blossom is beginning to show. 粉红的苹果花开始出现在枝头。
- The air is thin on the top of a high mountain. 高山顶上的空气稀薄。
- The book is recommended for its interesting story. 这本书由于其故事情节生动有趣而受推荐。
- The book is the jewel of his collection. 这本书是他藏书中最珍贵的一本。
- Madam, she is always the pink of perfection. 妇人,她是十全十美的。