- The old organ wheezed out a tune. 那架老风琴呜呜地奏出曲子。
- The old organ wheezed. 这架旧风琴呼哧呼哧地响。
- The old organ wheezed. 这架旧风琴呼哧呼哧地响。
- 3. The old organ wheezed out a tune. 那架老风琴呜呜地奏出曲子。
- What happened to the old Organization Chart tool? 旧的组织结构图工具有哪些变化?
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- The old farm has been split up into house lots. 这古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地。
- The old man stared the uninvited guest up and down. 老人把不速之客上下打量了一番。
- He has planned to lacquer the old table. 他计划给旧桌子上一层漆。
- I'm afraid the old gramophone has conked out. 恐怕这架旧唱机已出故障了。
- I came down this morning to see the village and church, and as Mrs.Martyn had to pay a visit to the schools with the curate and his wife, I stopped here and amused myself by trying the old organ. 今儿早晨我下来看看村庄和教堂,因为马丁夫人必须和副牧师及其妻子去访问几个学校,我就待在这儿,试试那架古老的管风琴,聊以自娱。
- The loss of all his money embitter the old man. 失去全部的钱,使这位老人甚为痛苦。
- The old lady fondled her cat as it sat beside her. 老妇人抚摸着蹲在身边的小猫。
- The old man cozened me into giving him some money. 那老头哄骗我给了他一些钱。
- The old man sat on the park bench look familiar. 坐在公园长椅上的那个老人看上去很面熟。
- The old well was bricked up when it ran dry. 旧井干枯以后被人用砖堵上了。
- The old wove what he said into a complicated story. 那位老人把他说的编成了一个复杂的故事。
- The old locomotive wheezed steam. 老火车头呼哧呼哧地吐出蒸汽
- The old trade in black ivory is on more. 昔日非洲黑奴的买卖已不复存。
- Yes,the term'finished'truly describes the state of the old organs of rural administration wherever the storm of revolution has raged. “已无作用”三个字,的确描画了经过革命风潮地方的旧式乡政机关。