- The newborn is lovely. 那个婴儿很可爱。
- It is love that/which makes the world peaceful. 使世界和平的就是爱。
- It is lovely walking in the woods. 在树林中散步很愉快。
- The chief offending antigen in haemolytic disease of the newborn is antigen D of the rhesus series. 新生儿溶血病起主要作用的抗原是RH系列的抗原D。
- Hospital workers say the newborn is already wearing diapers and clothing designed for nine-month-olds. 医护人员透露,小宝宝已经用上了为九个月大婴儿设计的尿布和衣服了。
- She gazed at the newborn infant and smiled. 她望着这个初生的婴儿笑了。
- The PRVC modle is fit to treat the newborn HMD. PRVC模式适于新生儿HMD。
- We believe that the value of the Ortolani test for diagnosis of congenital dislocation of the hip in the newborn is more significant than that of the abduction test. 作者通过材料的分析和详细讨论认为欧特拉尼氏征在新生儿先天性髋关节脱位诊断中的价值较大,蛙式征的价值不可靠。
- She is lovely -- as much so as an angel. 她可爱得像个天使。
- The newborn baby has a hairy head. 这个新生儿的脑袋上长了很多头发。
- The euthanasia of the badly handicapped newborn is moral on half of the newborn themselves in theory from the angle of teleology, at the same time, the deontology often objects to the euthanasia. 从目的论思维方法的角度来看,出于婴儿自身利益为优先考虑的安乐死行为具有道德合理性。而持义务论的人通常对其持反对态度。
- I'd just like to say the boy is lovely. 我真想说这个男孩很可爱。
- A newborn is ready to bond to its parents. 新生儿很容易对其父母产生亲情。
- The theme of the poem is love and peace. 这首诗的主题是爱与和平。
- The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love. 最甜蜜的快乐、最强烈的痛苦都源于爱。
- The well-furred newborn is born with eyes open. 幼仔初生即有毛且睁眼。
- The visitors cooed over the newborn baby. 来客们喃喃地逗弄着新生的宝宝
- It is love that makes the world go round. 爱情能旋转乾坤。
- Sweetest joy,the wlidest woe is love. 爱情是最甜蜜的欢乐;最强烈的痛苦.
- Sweetest joy ,the wildest woe is love. 甜美的喜悦,疯狂的哀愁就是爱。