- I declare the motion is carried by a majority of six to one. 我宣布该动议以6比1的多数获得通过。
- The motion is adopted nem con. 因无人投反对票,协议被通过。
- The motion is adopted non con. 因无人投反对票,协议被通过。
- The motion is proposed by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Jones. 动议由史密斯先生提出,琼斯先生附议。
- The motion is adopted non con . 因无人投反对票,协议被通过。
- The motion is carried by 200 votes to 150, with 60 abstentions. 以200票对150票通过此项动议,但有60票弃权。
- The motion is adopted. 建议被采纳了。
- The motion is carried on a show of hand. 动议案用举手方式表决。
- The motion is quite natural and easily learned. 这个操作相当自然,也容易学习。
- The motion is carried by 220 votes to 196. 提议以220票对196票被通过或被否决。
- The motion of forbidding smoking in public place is adopted. 禁止在公众场合吸烟的提案被采纳。
- The motion is carried or is voted by 220 votes to 196. 提议以220票对196票被通过或被否决。
- The motion is less than 6 meters per year on the surface. 此地极的位置在地表的漂移每年小于6米。
- I declare the motion is carry by a majority of sox to one. 我宣布该动议以6比1的多数获得通过。
- The motion is proposed by Mr. Smith,seconded by Mr. Jones. 动议由史密斯先生提出,琼斯先生附议。
- Beyond the boundary layer, the motion is highly irregular. 超出边界层以外,流体的流动非常没有规律。
- Fuzzy neural netw ork is adopted to control the motion of rectifying mechanical device. 模糊神经网络用于控制纠偏机构的运动。
- Their hope is that the motion should be adopted . 他们的希望是该提案被通过。
- The motion is carried by 200 votes to 150,with 60 abstention. 以200票对150票通过此项动议,但有60票弃权。
- The reducing annealing furnace is adopted. 采用无氧化还原退火炉。