- She explained all the hows and whys of the issue. 她详尽说明了问题的情况及原由。
- He tried to find the hows and whys of the story. 他试图搞清事情的来龙去脉。
- Kimball's obsessed with the how and why of food. 金伯尔沉醉于研究烹饪的工序及其原因。
- Therefore,I shall now try to explain the hows and whys clearly to everyone. 所以这次要把道理讲一讲。
- Therefore, I shall now try to explain the hows and whys clearly to everyone. 所以这次要把道理讲一讲。
- She considered all the hows and the whys of it. 她考虑了做这件事的所有方法和理由。
- To do so, we have to make a serious study of the hows and whys of constitutional government. 为了答复问题,就得好好研究一下宪政的道理。
- To do so,we have to make a serious study of the hows and whys of constitutional government. 为了答复问题,就得好好研究一下宪政的道理。
- The hows and whys of this growing economic interdependence will unfold in the remaining chapters. 经济上日益增长的这种相互依赖的方式及原因,将在其余各章中展开论述。
- Encourage them to be self-reflective when they get it right -- help them to think about the hows and whys. 当孩子做对了,要鼓励他们进行思考--帮助他们想一想是怎样和为什么把事情做得很好的。
- Many of the hows and whys of the peasant movement were the exact opposite of what the gentry in Hankow and Changsha are saying. 许多农民运动的道理,和在汉口、长沙从绅士阶级那里听得的道理,完全相反。
- Main Idea: Jade won't make exquisite utensils without cutting and polishing. People won't understand the hows and whys without learning. 格言大意:玉石不经过雕琢,就不会成为精美的器具;人不学习,就不会懂得道理。
- Books and magazines are filled with the hows and whys, the rights and wrongs of buying and selling, of manufacturing and shipping, of finance and management. 书籍和杂志写满了如何和为什么,写满了关于买卖的正确与错误,写满了生产和运输、金融和管理。
- ECONOMISTS turn over the hows and whys of the Depression in much the same way as statesmen once reflected on the decline of Rome or the eclipse of Athens by Sparta. 经济家们思考大萧条发展形式和原因的方法与政治家分析古罗马之衰落和雅典被斯巴达推翻时使用的方式大体是一样的。
- There is no end to what the children want to know; they always like to demand the how and why. 孩子们的求知欲是无止境的,他们凡事总要寻根究底。
- These subtle events portend an exponential increase in our understanding of the how and why of fault slip. 这些轻微事件预示著,我们对于断层如何以及为何滑动的理解,将会以指数倍数增加。
- The book tells you about the how and the why of flight. 这本书告诉你飞行的方法和原理。
- When you walking on the streets, or jogging along the Vltava River, or stepping on the bridges across it, you would understand the hows and whys of the city, you will find your heart beating with it. 今次,涉足于布拉格的老城区,漫步于伏尔塔瓦河畔,竖立于几座跨河古桥,让我感觉与这座城市产生了共鸣、与那位老友产生了共鸣,也真正体会到她的那种心境。
- He was absorbed by the whys and the hows and the execution. 他被所有的讲解和操作深深吸引,沉浸其中。
- The hows and whys of aircraft preheats 飞机为什么要预热