- The hours dragged on. 时间过得很慢。
- The hours drag along, tediously enough. 时间慢慢地熬过,相当沉闷。
- The meeting dragged on for nearly four hours. 会议单调乏味地持续了近4个小时。
- The hours dragged by as I waited for Dad to finish work. 我等着爸爸完成他的工作,时间过得真慢。
- The meeting dragged on for more than two hours . 那个会议单调无味地开了二三个小时。
- He dragged on the cigarettes as he wrote. 他一边写一边抽烟。
- Father must take his pill on the hour. 父亲必须在每点钟准点吃药丸。
- The speeches dragged on for hours. 讲话没完没了地拖了好几个钟头。
- The London bus departs every hour on the hour. 伦敦的公共汽车每小时零分开出一趟。
- The dog's leash dragged on the sidewalk. 在人行道上拴着皮带的狗
- The church bell tolled the hour. 教堂的鸣钟报时。
- The meeting dragged on without reaching any conclusion. 会开得很长,也没作出什么结论。
- The children will be a drag on me, so I want to go without them. 孩子们会给我添麻烦,所以我不想带他们去。
- Afternoon dragged on into evening. 下午缓慢地过去而变成黄昏。
- On July third; every hour on the hour. 在七月三日这一天; 时时刻刻
- The little clock tinkled out the hours. 那只小钟叮叮当当地报时。
- The idler idles away the hours watching TV. 那个游手好闲的人把时间浪费在看电视上。
- How much longer is this going to drag on? 这事还要拖多久?
- The days dragged on and he was in despair. 日子一天天挨过去,他情绪十分消沉。
- He dawdles the hours away watching television. 他把时间都荒废在看电视上了。