- The haze soon cleared. 薄雾不久就消散了。
- The foothills were looming ahead through the haze. 丘陵地带透过薄雾朦胧地出现在眼前。
- The haze of distance improves the view. 远处的迷雾美化了他们的形象。
- The haze once more screened the moonlight. 雾霭又遮住了月光。
- I couldn't see her through the haze of smoke. 在烟雾弥漫中, 我看不见她。
- The cellar was soon cleared out. 地下室很快清空了。
- My independence seems to vanish in the haze. 我国独立自主的阴霾似乎消失.
- The crowd soon cleared away from the ground. 场上的人群很快就散掉了。
- My heart gradually dissipated the haze. 我心里的阴霾渐渐消散。
- The unruly youths soon cleared off at the sight of their parents. 这些任性胡为的青年们一看到他们的父母撒腿就跑。
- Early morning mist patches will soon clear. 清晨弥漫着的水汽很快会散尽。
- This herbal medicine will soon clear up your cold. 这种草药能很快治好你的感冒。
- After the accident,the crowd soon cleared away from the street. 事故发生之后,人群立即从街道上散去。
- The haze once more screened the moonlignt. 雾霭又遮住了月光。
- After the accident, the crowd soon cleared away from the street. 事故发生之后,人群立即从街道上散去。
- My independence seem to vanish in the haze. 我的独立似乎消失在云雾中。
- He gaped vaguely at the haze in the distance. 他茫然地凝视着远处的烟雾。
- The clouds soon cleared away and it became quite warm. 云很快就散开了,天气变得相当暖和。
- How do you escape from the haze owf lost love? 要怎麽走出失恋的阴霾?
- The mountain was barely visible through the haze. 透过薄雾,该山仅隐约可见。