- He finally paid off the crew of a ship. 他最终发清了全船船员的薪水。
- the crew of a bomber. 一架轰炸机上的机组人员。
- The crew of the stranded yacht were in danger but we got them off. 那艘搁浅快艇上的船员处于危险之中,但我们把他救了上来。
- The crew of that foreign freighter was fully hired on. 那艘外国货船的船员已全部雇齐。
- The crew of the capsized yacht had to tread water until the rescuers arrived. 那艘快艇倾覆了,人们在营救人员到达以前只得踩水。
- He paid off the crew of the ship. 他付清全体船员的工资并将他们解雇。
- The commander or one of the crew of such a ship. 私掠船的指挥或船员。
- He has paid off the crew of the ship . 他已发清全船船员的薪水。
- He has paid off the crew of the ship. 他已发清全船船员的薪水。
- The crew of the airliner cooperated very well. 班机的机组人员合作密切。
- To shanghai can mean to take someone away and force them to join the crew of a ship. 可指绑架某人,强行带到船上当水手。
- The crew of a cannon can automatically reload ammo from boxes of ammo located nearby. 如果附近有弹药箱的话火炮的操作手能够自动进行装填。
- The crew of a civil aircraft is composed of a pilot-in-command and other flight personnel. 第四十三条民用航空器机组由机长和其他空勤人员组成。
- The master or any member of the crew of a ship has an insurable interest in respect of his wages. 船长或船员对其工资有保险利益。
- Also, the crew of a new ship is inexperienced and is much less effective in a battle than a veteran crew! 另外,一艘新船的全体乘员是不熟练的并且在战斗中没有老乘有效的!
- The crew of a container ship that hit a bridge and leaked nearly 60,000 gallons of oil into SanFransico Bay may face criminal charges . 在旧金山,一油轮发生撞桥事件,导致60,000加仑的原油泄漏进旧金山湾,该油轮的船员可能被指控有罪。
- The crew of a container ship that hit a bridge and leaked nearly 60,000 gallons of oil into San Francisco Bay may face criminal charges. 那艘撞击大桥并泄漏了将近60,000加仑油入旧金山湾的集装箱船的全体船员将面临指控。
- The ship has a crew of 57 exclusive of officers. 这船上除高级船员外,有57名普通船员。
- The crew of a UK military ship watched as a British couple were taken hostage by Somali pirates but were ordered not to open fire, it has emerged. 一艘英国军用船舶上的船员眼看着一对英国夫妇被索马里海盗掳走做人质,但是却被下令禁止向海盗开火。
- The lifeboat brought off the crew of the stricken tanker. 救生艇把遇难油船上的船员都救了出来。