- The company went bust soon after the striking me returned to work. 公司在罢工工人复工后不久便破产了。
- The company went bust soon after the striking men returned to work. 公司在罢工工人复工后不久便破产了。
- The company went bust. 该公司破产了。
- You protest how much you like your boss but then say you'll console yourself with thought of the company going bust. 你口口声声说你多么爱你的老板,但接下来却说,你将用公司会破产的想法来自我安慰。
- We lost our money when the travel company went bust. 旅行社破产,我们的钱都赔了进去。
- His company went bust. 他的公司破产了。
- The company went into receivership. 这家公司被破产管理了
- It is unthinkable that the company went bankrupt. 真想不到那家公司会倒闭。
- It's unthinkablethat the company went bankrupt. 真想不到那家公司会倒闭。
- It's unthinkable that the company went bankrupt. 真想不到那家公司会倒闭。
- The sale of the company went through quickly. 公司的销售额很快完成了。
- Before the company went bankrupt, he pulled out. 他在公司破产前辞职了。
- The company goes back on its agreement to supply at1.50 a unit. 该公司违背了按单价1。50英镑供货的协议。
- Previous generations of micropayment processing companies went bust. 前几代的“微支付”处理公司都宣告破产。
- Since1987, when the company went public, sales have nearly doubled, to$243 million last year. 自从1987年该公司股票上市以来,销售额几乎加倍,去年达到2亿4300万元。
- The company went public after having been closely held for12 years. 这个公司在被紧密地控制了十二年之后,终于公开召股了
- The company went bankrupt owing millions of pounds. 公司欠了数百万英镑的债,破产了。
- The company went bankrupt because of its poor management. 那家公司管理经营不善而破产。
- The US will see 62,000 companies go bust next year, compared with 42,000 this year and 28,000 last year, says a report by Euler Hermes, part of German insurer Allianz. 德国保险公司安联(Allianz)旗下的EulerHermes公司的一份报告显示,美国明年会有6.;2万家企业破产,相比之下今年和去年分别只有4
- The company went down only a year after it started. 那家公司办了一年就倒闭了。