- The chill autumn morning darkness envelopes my mind and I see my grandpa, his work finally done, crawling into the seat of the old tractor and making his way home. 秋天里暗淡而寒冷的清晨会笼罩我的脑海,我会看到爷爷在终于干完活之后,钻进那辆老拖拉机的驾驶舱,往家开去。
- The chill autumn morning darkness envelopes my mind and I see my grandpa,his work finally done,crawling into the seat of the old tractor and making his way home. 秋天里暗淡而寒冷的清晨会笼罩我的脑海,我会看到爷爷在终于干完活之后,钻进那辆老拖拉机的驾驶舱,往家开去。
- The chill of autumn is in the air. 秋天的寒意到处感觉得到。
- I feel a little cool in the autumnal night. 在秋天的晚上,我感到一丝凉意。
- He turned up his coat collar against the chill wind. 他竖起大衣领抵御寒风。
- The chill superinduced a pneumonic condition. 受寒并发了肺炎。
- It was an autumn night in my native Nova Scotia. 秋夜,我的故乡新斯科舍的秋夜。
- We must take the chill off the wine. 我们得把这酒温一温。
- Is this autumn night so unbearable? 莫说秋夜今难忍。
- He wandered about in the chill rain. 他在凄风冷雨中荡来荡去。
- Her happy blushes took the chill from her surprise. 她快乐的红晕一下就驱散了她惊讶中的冷淡成分。
- The chill wind whipped in and out in gusty breaths. 一阵阵寒风像鞭子一样抽打着行人。
- We'd drink egg nog to escape the chill of winter. 我们喝蛋酒来驱寒。
- I can not stand the chill here in Alaska. 我忍受不了阿拉斯加的寒冷。
- It feels, it sickens with the chill. 却还感到、还嫌恶周身的寒意。
- Brave men were cut down where they stood in the cold crisp autumn night. 一个寒冷萧瑟的秋夜,勇敢的人们在巍然站起的地方被打败。
- A long gunman gave a dozen deli employees the chill of their life when he herded them into two walk-in freezers and make off with $9,000. 一名独行持枪匪徒,将12名熟食店的工作人员赶进两间冷冻室,抢走了9000美元。这些人一辈子也没如此受冻(受惊)过。
- The chilling courtesy was his only armo(u)r. 冷漠的礼仪是他唯一的护身符。
- Your careless gifts of a moment, like the meteors of an autumn night, catch fire the depth of my being. 你这一瞬间粗心的礼物像秋夜的陨星,在我存在的深处着了火。
- Your careless gifts of a moment, like the meteors of an autumn night, catch fire in the depth of my being. 你那一刻的随意馈赠,宛如秋夜的流星,在我生命深处点燃了烈火。