- The bark of this tree. 灰胡桃树皮
- It is necessary to chip off the bark of the tree. 有必要把这树皮扒下来。
- Make a gash in the bark of a tree with a knife. 用刀在树皮上割一道深而长的切口。
- The bark of plane trees peels off regularly. 悬铃木的树皮到时候就脱落。
- The trunk of this tree is four meters thick. 这棵树的树干有四米粗。
- He went up to this tree and passed his hand over the bark of the trunk, as though seeking to recognize and count all the warts. 他走到那棵树下面,用手摸那树干的皮,好象他要认出并数清那些树瘤的数目。
- The bark of some trees exfoliates. 有些树的皮会片状剥落。
- The edible, yellow-orange fruit of this tree. 杏这种树的可食的橙黄色果子
- The bark of saplings galled by improper staking. 由于不正确地打桩,小树苗的树皮受到了损伤
- The firm,edible,usually rounded fruit of this tree. 苹果这种树坚硬、可食、通常为圆形的果实
- The oval, bluish-black, juicy plum of this tree. 布拉斯李子这种树的多汁的、蓝黑色的椭圆形李子
- The wood of this tree or a wood similar to it. 蓝花楹木这种树或与之相似的木材。
- Peter scratched out his name on the bark of the tree. 彼得把他的名家刻在树皮上。
- The nest is on the other side of this tree. 蚂蚁窝就在这棵大树的另一边。
- The bark of some trees can be used as medicine. 有些树皮可以作药材。
- The lovers scratched their names into the bark of the tree. 这些恋人把他们的名字刻在树皮上。
- The bark of a dog sounded in the night. 夜里响起了狗叫声。
- The bark of plane-trees peels off regularly. 法国梧桐的树皮会定时脱落。
- The roots of this tree go deep into the ground. 这棵树的根深深扎入地下。
- The bark of the dog grightened the burglar away. 狗叫声把那个小偷吓跑了。