- I give up; tell me what the answer is. 我认输,告诉我答案吧。
- The answer is neither. 谁也不好吞掉谁。
- The answer is that any and all of them are! 答案是他们中的任何一个人都是!
- The answer is: No, but in an age of enlightenment. 答案是否定的:我们正处于启蒙时代。
- Now,looking back,the answer is crystal-clear to me. 现在,回首往事,答案对于我来说再清楚不过了。
- If my maths is/are right, the answer is 142. 如果我的运算正确,答案就是 142。
- The answer is 1010, remainder 1000. 商是1010,余数是1000。
- When you subtract 3 from 7, the answer is 4. 7减去3等于4。
- The answer is far higher prices to begin with. 首先一个回答是,它的价格将变得更高。
- The answer is not the same as what he expects. 答案与他预料的不一样。
- Divide 2 into 7,and the answer is 3. 除7,商3余2
- The answer is far beyond reasonable. 这答案没道理。
- Neither of the answers is right. 两个答案没一个是对的。
- The answer is only partly correct. 该答案仅部分正确。(暗指另有部分并不正确。)
- The answer is simple, and harsh. 答案很简单,也很令人难堪。
- The answer is to scatter the bubbles. 答案是散射这些水泡。
- If you divide 30 by 5, the answer is 6. 5除30得6。
- But I believe the answer is that we can. 但是,我坚信,我们能够做到这一点。
- Messenger quietly silent, the answer is correct. 使者默不做声,答案是正确的。
- The answer is simple, at least in outline. 答案很简单,至少说比较扼要。