- the angelus press ltd. [北美买家资料] messrs.
- The angelus was ringing half a mile away. 祈祷的钟声在半英里外的地方敲响。
- Suddenly the church clock struck twelve, then the Angelus rang. 突然,教堂的钟声敲了十二下,而后是祈祷的钟声。
- One of its collections is called The Angelus from Miller. 奥塞美术馆有收藏了一幅,叫做晚钟。
- Caroline Berh,T.S.Eliot - A Chronology of His Life and Works (London:The Macmillan Press Ltd,1983),p.18. 托·斯·艾略特:《艾略特文学论文集》;李赋宁译注(南昌:百花洲文艺出版社;1994);第2-3页.
- Michael Black,J.Derek Bewley.Seed Technology and its Biological Basis.England:Sheffield Acade-mic Press Ltd. 宋松泉;程红炎;龙春林;等.;种子生物学
- This painting of Millers The Angelus, is a painting that I like the most. 米勒的晚钟这幅画,是我很喜欢的一幅画。
- Bernbaum, G. (1977). Knowledge and ideology in the sociology of education. London: The Macmillan Press Ltd. 姜姜得胜(1999)。远距教学的意义与类型初探。台湾教育月刊,577,3-7。
- Gombrich E. H. (1982). The image and the eye: Further studies in the psychology of pictorial representation. Oxford: Phaidon Press Ltd. 的导读者。吴教授是国立台北教育大学教育心理与谘商学系教授,她的专长,是发展心理学、认知心理学与数学教学心理学。
- Thirlwall,A.P.Growth and Development__With Special Reference to Developing Economies[M].London:The Macmillan Press Ltd,1983. 伊曼纽尔.不平等交换(中文版)[M].北京:中国对外经济贸易出版社,1988
- During the Angelus prayer, he recalled African Africans who just days ago lost their life in the Mediterranean. 在奉告祈祷的过程中,他追忆起了几天前在地中海遇难的非洲同胞。
- During the Angelus prayer, he recalled Africans , who just days ago lost their lifes for life in the Mediterranean. 他说:“我们不能让这些顺从这些悲剧,然而,不幸的是,这些悲剧却时有发生。”
- During the Angelus prayer, he recalled African Africans who just days age ago lost their life in the Mediterranean. 这位罗马天主教教皇指出,该问题所涉及的范围要求欧盟和非洲国家协调制定紧急战略。
- DurningDuring the Angelus prayer, he recalled African Africans who just days ago lost their life in the Mediterranean. 在祈祷的钟声中,他回忆起几天前失去生命的非洲人。
- During the Angelus prayer, he recalled Africans who just days ago lost their life in the Mediterranean. 在祈祷时,教皇提到了数日前在地中海丧生的非洲人。
- Lloyd's of London Press Ltd. 出版单位
- During the Angelus prayer, he recalled African, Africans who just days ago lost their lives life in the Mediterranean. 在祈祷钟之前祈祷时,他回忆起前几天在地中海失去生命的非洲人。
- It was that halcyon hour when the Angelus falls like a benediction upon the waning day. 这时正是一天中静谧时刻,晚祷的钟声如同祝福一般落在垂暮的天空。
- Recent reports in the press have been hotly denied. 有关方面极力否认新闻界最近的报道。