- BLAKEY For the first time this season, the Asian tiger mosquito has been found to be carrying the virus in Maryland. 布拉奇 今年夏天第一次在马里兰发现带有病毒的亚洲虎蚊。
- This one-hour documentary takes a close look at the Asian tiger and make you realize how much danger these tigers face. 一个小时的记录片近距离的观察了亚洲虎并使你意识到这些老虎面临着多么大的危险。
- Forecasters always seem to underestimate the ability of the Asian tigers to rebound from recessions. 预测者似乎也一直低估亚洲虎从经济衰退中反弹的能力。
- The Asian peoples covet the right to shape their own free destiny. 亚洲人民渴望开创自己的自由生活的现实,这十分重要。
- The coach sent two players in for the Asian Games. 教练派2名选手参加亚运会。
- Jeff: Is the scale of the Asian Games large? 杰夫: 亚运会的规模大吗?
- Wang Ping: It must be the Asian Games,of course. 王平: 当然是亚运会了。
- Jane's been assigned to the Asian Affairs Bureau. 珍妮被派往了亚洲事务局。
- We'd like to go and visit the Asian Games Village. 我们是去亚运村看看。
- What is the Asian Waterbird Conservation Fund? 何谓亚洲水鸟保育基金?
- Most of the Asians live off rice. 多数亚洲人以大米为主食。
- She is proud to have taken part in the Asian Games. 她为参加了亚运会而自豪。
- She won two gold medals in the Asian Games. 在亚洲运动会上她赢得了两枚金牌。
- And then the Asian financial crisis hit. 接著就碰到了亚洲金融危机。
- Annie: When did the Asian Games begin? 安妮: 亚运会是从什么时候开始的呢?
- "The defense strategy that refused to hand the South Koreans over to a totalitarian neighbor helped raise up an Asian Tiger. “当时拒绝把南韩人民交予集权邻邦的防御策略产生了今天的亚洲虎-韩国。
- Wang Ping: It must be the Asian Games, of course. 王平: 当然是亚运会了。
- She has an intimate knowledge of the Asian market. 她充分掌握亚洲市场情势。
- Please give me the Asian Wall Street Journal. 请给我《亚洲华尔街日报》。