- 康力龙[蛋白同化激素)Estazol
- 液相色谱-串联质谱法测定头发中10种蛋白同化激素Analysis of 10 Kinds of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids in Human Hair by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Tandem Mass Spectrometry
- 蛋白同化激素[化] protein anabolic hormone
- 同化激素,促蛋白合成类固醇anabolic steroid
- 同化激素anabolic hormone; anabolic steroid hormone
- 蛋白同化作用protein assimilation
- 蛋白同化的anabolic
- 蛋白同化制剂Protein anabolic preparation
- 植物激素phytohormone
- 雌性激素estrogen hormone
- 蛋白同化类甾体物Anabolic steroids
- 睾丸激素testosterone
- 把蛋白打到它们耸起。Beat the egg whites until they peak.
- 促性腺激素gonadotropin
- B蛋白B protein
- M蛋白M protein
- 肾上腺皮质激素adrenal cortical hormone
- 美国同化了千百万移民。America has assimilated millions of immigrants.
- 肾上腺激素cortin
- 有些外国人容易被我们的生活方式同化。Some foreigners assimilate easily into our way of life.