- The athlete tested positive for steroids. 这个运动员类固醇检测呈阳性。
- Two athletes tested positive for steroids. 两位运动员的类固醇试验呈阳性。
- Minn. pigs may have tested positive for swine flu. 明尼阿波利斯州:对猪进行检测,猪流感病毒可能呈现阳性。
- tested positive for anthrax 炭疽病检测呈阳性; 被测出感染炭疽菌
- In California, a letter sent to Sony Pictures Entertainment in Culver City tested positive Friday for anthrax. 在加州,一封寄到索尼公司的信也携带炭疽病毒。
- Cats who test positive for FIV can show many different symptoms. 感染FIV的猫咪可能有很多不同的症状.
- Four cases have tested positive for Neisseria meningitidis W135 by latex test. 通过乳胶试验,4例已检测出脑膜炎柰瑟菌W135阳性。
- Health Minister Tony Ryall said 10 students tested positive for influenza A. 卫生部长TonyRyall说,有10名学生关于A型流感的检测结果呈阳性。
- Russian shot putter Irina Korzhanenko's lost her gold after she tested positive for steroids. 俄罗斯女子铅球冠军科尔扎连科也由于在药检中呈阳性而被剥夺了获得的金牌。
- Also, as many as one-third of the people who test positive for LQTS don't have any signs or symptoms of the disorder. 而且,高达三分之一的LQTS基因测试阳性者不存在任何形式的LQTS症状。
- In Britain as many as 1 in 10 motorists involved in serious accidents test positive for cannabis. 在英国,每10个涉及交通事故的机动车驾驶者,就有一个大麻检测阳性。
- The Romanian,28, had his contract terminated in October2004 after he tested positive for cocaine. 这位28岁的罗马尼亚人2004年可卡因测验呈阳性,他的合同也随之作废。
- Her vaginal sample tested positive for seminal fluid and I also found some hairs on her inner thigh. 她阴道中留有精液 在她大腿内侧还发现一些头发
- Samples from the girl tested positive for H5N1 infection at the Pasteur Institute in Cambodia. 采自该女童的样本在柬埔寨巴斯德研究所检测H5N1感染呈阳性。
- Samples taken from the girl have tested positive for H5N1 at the Pasteur Institute in Phnom Penh. 从该女孩采集的样本在金边巴斯德研究所检测H5N1呈阳性。
- Drugs again rained on the Olympics' parade as another athlete tested positive for an illegal substance. 兴奋剂再次煞了奧运会的风景,又有一名运动员的违禁药物检测结果呈阳性。
- A little egret found dead in Tuen Mun on Monday has tested positive for the H5N1 bird flu virus. 在屯门捡获的小白鹭经测试后,对H5N1禽流感呈阳性反应。
- Sports Illustrated is reporting that New York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids back in 2003. 体育画报报道说纽约扬基队击球手亚历克斯.;罗德里格斯2003年类固醇测试呈阳性。
- Just last month, Britain's top sprinter Dwain Chambers and several American athletes tested positive for the drug THG. 就在上个月,英国顶级赛跑选手达文?钱伯斯和其他几名美国选手在变体兴奋剂检测中,结果呈阳性。
- Mr.Liljenwall, who tested positive for alcohol use, caused his pentathlon team to surrender a bronze medal. 利延瓦尔的尿液检测呈阳性,他所在的现代五项参赛队因此不得不归还所获的铜牌。