- terrestrial animal community 陆生动物群落
- Although they can swim, the polar bears are terrestrial animals. 北极熊虽然会游泳,但也是陆栖动物。
- In North America, there are six terrestrial animal genotypes, including the raccoon virus genotype. 在北美洲有六个陆生动物基因型,包括浣熊病毒基因型。
- Four main ways of animal communication. 动物的四种交流方式。
- The gills of fishes are analogous to the lungs in terrestrial animals. 鱼类的鳃与陆上动物的肺类似。
- As a kind of biotic community, the enterprise cluster possesses some behavioral traits of the animal community. 作为一种群落组织,企业集群有着动物社群生活的行为特征。
- There is currently therefore no justification in the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Code for the imposition of trade measures on the importation of pigs or their products. 因此,目前没有理由在世界动物卫生组织的陆生动物卫生标准规定中,对猪肉及猪肉产品的进口采取强制措施。
- As the leader of our animal community, Verne wants to protect his "family" at all costs. 龟毛身为这群动物的首领,愿意不惜一切保护他的“家庭”。
- Unlike most terrestrial animals, aquatic animal species used for human consumption are poikilothermic, meaning their body temperatures vary according to ambient temperatures. 与大多数陆地动物不同,供人类消费的水生动物为冷血品种,也就是说它们的体温会根据环境温度而变化。
- The vertical distribution of soil animal community in ubalpine coniferous forest in western Sichuan still had surface accumulation, but had the tend of adown moving. 川西亚高山针叶林土壤动物群落垂直分布仍具有表聚性,但有向下层移动的趋势。
- The gills of fishes are said to be analogous to the lungs in terrestrial animals. 鱼类的鳃与陆上动物的肺可说成是类似的。
- terrestrial animal regionalization 陆栖动物区划
- The sando's muted color palette was inspired by the typical hues of large terrestrial animals, like elephants and whales. 沙度水怪温和的色调灵感是来自于大型陆栖动物如大象及鲸鱼的典型色彩。
- After countless generations in water, some of them took the risk to ascend and started the lengthy evolutionary process of terrestrial animals. 它们在水里生活了无数时代后,才冒险登陆,开展了陆生动物悠长缓慢的演化历程。
- Cooperating with local farmers, ADC set up company plus animal community program, the program focus on unique feed, unique quarantine, unique breeding sows, unique technology, unique buying back, unique services. 通过与农户合作,建立了具有华正特色的“公司+户+地”的养猪生产体系,华正建立了“统一饲料、一防疫、一种猪、一技术、一收购、一服务”的服务机制,为屠宰系统提供了最具安全保障的猪源。
- Can telepathic animal communication hurt the animals? 以心传心能对动物作出伤害的吗?
- Pathogenetic microbe plays an important role in improving the evolution of the species,controlling the dimension of the plant and animal community and keeping the balance of the ecology. 病原微生物在促进物种进化、控制种群规模、维持生态平衡方面起着很重要的作用。
- In these two sites, the benthic animal community were mainly composed of oligochaeta and chironmus larva, they were adaptive to low concentration DO and were resistive to organic pollution. 西湖和青山水库底栖动物群落主要由寡毛类和摇蚊幼虫组成,存在适应低溶氧、耐有机污染的种群。
- After the abrupt changes about 65 million years ago, when dinosaurs disappeared with the exception of their descendants, the birds, the world was practically without larger sized terrestrial animals. 在突然的变动大约65百万年前之后,当恐消失了除他们的后裔之外,鸟,世界实际是没有更大的大小的地球动物。
- Video shows the migration of mammoths, ask students to read books and find the main four ways of animal communication. 通过长毛象迁徙的录象,引导学生阅读课本并找出四种主要的交流方式;