- His term of appointment expires in August. 他8月份任职期满。
- On June 1,2000,the Government introduced a new entry system and terms of appointment for new recruits to increase the flexibility of its appointment system. 二零零零年六月一日,政府为新聘人员制定新的入职制度和聘用条款,使聘任制度更加灵活。
- The entry pay, terms of appointment and conditions of service to be offered are subject to the provisions prevailing at the time the offer of appointment is made. 入职薪酬、聘用条款及服务条件,应以获聘时之规定为准。
- On June 1, 2000, the Government introduced a new entry system and terms of appointment for new recruits to increase the flexibility of its appointment system. 二零零零年六月一日,政府为新聘人员制定新的入职制度和聘用条款,使聘任制度更加灵活。
- The Civil Service Regulations, which govern the conduct, terms of appointment and conditions of service of government officers, have been translated into Chinese to enable civil servants at all ranks to have a good understanding of them. 《公务员事务规例》已经译成中文,方便各级公务员清楚理解有关公务员操守、聘用条款和服务条件的规定。
- The Civil Service Regulations,which govern the conduct,terms of appointment and conditions of service of government officers,have been translated into Chinese to enable civil servants at all ranks to have a good understanding of them. 《公务员事务规例》已经译成中文,方便各级公务员清楚理解有关公务员操守、聘用条款和服务条件的规定。
- It is difficult to express it in terms of science. 要用科学的字眼来表达它是很困难的。
- One to whom a power of appointment of property is granted. 委托处理财产者被授权指定财产受益者的人
- Think of it in terms of an investment. 从投资的角度来考虑那件事。
- I don't know the exact terms of the contract. 我不知道合同的正确条款。
- The terms of the settlement seem just. 和解的条件似乎还公道。
- The terms of the contract are subject to review. 合同的条款有待复查决定。
- Terms of Appointment Fringe Benefits 聘用条款及福利
- Directors Terms of Appointment and Re-election 董事之任期及重选
- Return the constructed function of appoint class. 返回指定类的构造函数。
- It is wrong to try to judge happiness in term of worldly success. 试图以世间的成功来判断幸福是错误的。
- His term of appointment expires in August 他8月份任职期满。
- He was voted in for a second term of office. 他当选连任该职位。
- The President's term of office is four years. 总统任期为四年。