- terminal marketing moral 终端营销道德
- The combination of the steel tube of terminal market and inferior footplate cannot communicate classical grade at all. 批发市场的钢管与劣质踏板的组合根本无法传达经典的品位。
- Head office of cap of shoe of river shade city is a nova that shoe line of business vacates in terminal market. 江阴市鞋帽总公司是鞋业批发市场中腾起的一颗新星。
- The west with egocentric the view of market moral principles that attachs most importance to a heart cannot use the base that regards socialistic market as ethics directly. 西方以利己主义为重心的市场伦理观不能直接用来作为社会主义市场伦理的基础。
- Because of major trading company, treatment enterprise, terminal market is in city, oppidan can develop district, culture adequately.. 因为大部分贸易公司、加工企业、批发市场都在城市;城里人可以充分发挥地域、文化...
- Retail electrovalency is secured relatively below market condition and terminal market electrovalency and bear demand often fluctuate, make distribution company faces bigger risk. 市场条件下零售电价相对固定而批发市场电价和负荷需求经常波动,使配电公司面临较大的风险。
- The whole economic prospect is indefinite, but OMN already and continued to take the action, strengthened transport business superiority and terminal market niche. 整体经济展望不确定,但是OMN已经并继续采取行动,强化营运优势与终端市场地位。
- The terminal market that sells the land and retail supermarket, shop sets icebox or deepfreeze, can longer those who carry a product is fresh and tender. 销地的批发市场和零售超市、商店都设有冷藏库或冷藏箱,能较长时间的保持产品的鲜嫩。
- Fourthly, to China's current management system, news gathering and news release policy access, instead of how publishing, what is the reading terminal market access. 第四,在我国现行管理体制下,新闻采访和新闻发布是政策准入,而采用什么渠道发布、什么终端阅读则是市场准入。
- Have to large terminal market! 到大型批发市场有!
- The chapter expounds the definition and developing direction of terminal, explains the inevitability of terminal marketing and analyses large-scale retail terminal by SWOT and market chook model. 讨论了终端的概念,阐述了终端发展的主要趋势,开展终端营销的必然性,并对大型零售终端进行了SWOT分析和“市场鸡”分析。
- Being intensive cultivation in region market substantively, terminal marketing can be rooted in China and develop quickly because of the character of itself and according with economics of China. 终端营销实质上是对区域市场的精耕细作,它能够在中国扎根并迅速发展有其自身的因素,同时也符合了中国经济的特点。
- Besides, LCD TV Advertising Narrowcasting Media is in the ascendant in strengthening further communication with target consumers and helping brands to be in dominant place in terminal marketing. 除了高级商务楼宇以外,还在卖场零售终端(如超市、连锁店等)、高尔夫球场、健身会所、机场等地,安放液晶电视联播网,通过多媒体技术手段联网,进行广告投放。
- I believe that honoring contracts and avoiding discriminatory practices are also part of market morality, but I cannot make these arguments here. 本人相信,承批合约及避免歧视行为亦属市场道德的一部份,但这并非本文讨论的范围。
- And bear recumbent China's biggest small commodities terminal market, the student that gives justice black industrial and commercial institute brings the business chance that do poineering work. 而背靠着中国最大的小商品批发市场,给义乌工商学院的学生带来创业的商机。
- Analysis on What Causes Enterprise'Disobeying Marketing Moral Code 营销道德失范的成因分析
- On January 19, the reporter sends ground produce terminal market newly to understand from Beijing, since January 15, retail prices of beef, hotpot, pork, chicken rises in the round. 1月19日 ,记者从北京新发地农产品批发市场了解到 ,自1月15日以来 ,牛肉、羊肉、猪肉、鸡肉零售价格全面上涨。
- I'll keep with you to the bus terminal. 我陪你到公共汽车终点站。
- Please wait for me at the bus terminal. 请在公共汽车终点站等我。
- The company hopes to boost its market share. 该公司希望增加其市场份额。