- In order to overcome the clash between the term of suretyship and the limitation of actions, the modes of the exercise of the claim of debt suretyship should be restricted in the term... 债权人在保证期间内行使保证债务请求权的方式应受到限制,以克服保证期间与保证合同诉讼时效发生竞合的理论冲突。
- In order to overcome the clash between the term of suretyship and the limitation of actions, the modes of the exercise of the claim of debt suretyship should be restricted in the term of suretyship. 债权人在保证期间内行使保证债务请求权的方式应受到限制,以克服保证期间与保证合同诉讼时效发生竞合的理论冲突。
- Article25 If the surety of a general suretyship and the creditor have no agreement on the term of suretyship, the term of suretyship shall be six months from the date of maturity of the principal debts. 第二十五条一般保证的保证人与债权人未约定保证期间的,保证期间为主债务履行期届满之日起六个月。
- If the surety of a general suretyship and the creditor have no agreement on the term of suretyship, the term of suretyship shall be six months from the date of maturity of the principal debts. 第二十五条一般保证的保证人与债权人未约定保证期间的,保证期间为主债务履行期届满之日起六个月。
- It is wrong to try to judge happiness in term of worldly success. 试图以世间的成功来判断幸福是错误的。
- He was voted in for a second term of office. 他当选连任该职位。
- The President's term of office is four years. 总统任期为四年。
- The first or last term of a ratio or a series. 首项,末项比率或数列中第一个或最后一个项
- The office or term of office of a nuncio. 罗马教皇使节的职位或任期
- The tribunal's term of reference do not cover traffic offence. 法庭的授权调查事项不包括违反交通规章罪。
- The office, duties, or term of office of a curate. 助理牧师助理牧师的职位、工作或任期
- The rank, office, or term of an archbishop. 大主教级别,大主教职务,大主教任期
- It is difficult to express it in terms of science. 要用科学的字眼来表达它是很困难的。
- The committee's term of reference do not cover export. 委员会的授权范围不包括出口事宜。
- On the Beginning of the Term of Suretyship--And on the Term of Suretyship and the Limitation of Actions of the Contract of Suretyship 保证期间起算新探--兼论保证期间与保证合同诉讼时效
- Think of it in terms of an investment. 从投资的角度来考虑那件事。
- I don't know the exact terms of the contract. 我不知道合同的正确条款。
- Tentative Ideas On the Legal Nature and its Judicial Application of the Term of Suretyship--based on the view of the Guaranty Law and the Judicial Interpretation 试论保证期间的法律性质及其司法适用--基于担保法及其司法解释的视角
- The terms of the settlement seem just. 和解的条件似乎还公道。
- The terms of the contract are subject to review. 合同的条款有待复查决定。