- the Tenth National Sports Meeting 十运会
- Reflection on the Countermeasures to the Management and Administration of Jiangsu Stadiums after the Tenth National Sports Meeting 十运会后江苏体育场馆经营管理对策思考
- tenth national sports meeting 十运会
- Zhuang woman singer Huang Yilan students, male singer Huang classes participating in the 1991 Fourth National sports meeting"Third Sister Liu" in the Cup, were gold and bronze. 壮族学生女歌手黄依兰、男歌手黄乃班1991年在参加第四届全国民运会“刘三姐”杯大赛中,分别获金奖和铜奖。
- Since the 1980s,more than ten traditional sports have been tapped and included in formal competitions. Tibetan athletes captured quite a few prizes at the National Sports Meet for Ethnic Groups. 八十年代以来,收集、发掘并组织正规比赛的民族传统体育项目有10多个,在全国民族运动会上多次获奖。
- Since the 1980s, more than ten traditional sports have been tapped and included in formal competitions. Tibetan athletes captured quite a few prizes at the National Sports Meet for Ethnic Groups. 八十年代以来,收集、发掘并组织正规比赛的民族传统体育项目有10多个,在全国民族运动会上多次获奖。
- Research on the Event of National Sports Meeting 关于全国体育大会的赛事研究
- the 10th National Sports Meeting 十运会
- The tenth National Games is being held in Jiangsu. It greatly us sports. 第十届全运会在江苏举行,这极大地鼓舞了我们积极参加体育活动。
- The sports meet ended all too briefly. 运动会过于简单地结束了。
- How many Asian countries have taken part in the sport meeting? 有多少亚洲国家参加这次运动会?
- The sports meet was postponed because of rain. 运动会因雨延期。
- When will the sports meeting come off? 什么时候举行运动会?
- He gave me to understand that the sports meet would be held soon. 从他的话里我了解到运动协会不久就会举行的。
- How many days, can you guess, did the sports meeting last? 运动会持续多少天,你知道吗?
- The Rational Thinking on the Developing Strategy of the National Sports Meet 全国运动会发展战略的理性思考
- The whole nation attention's tenth National People's Congress first conference begins grandly in Beijing. 举国关注的第十届全国人民代表大会第一次会议在北京隆重开幕。
- Should the weather be bad, the sports meeting will be postponed. 如果天气不好,运动会就要延期。
- The sports meet drew2600 entrants from155 enterprises. 这次运动会有155个企业的2600名职工参加。
- This paper makes statistical disposition and analysis on the age, grade, quality and difficulty degree of movement of trampoline match in the tenth national games. 摘要对十运会蹦床参赛运动员的年龄、成绩、动作完成的质量及难度等方面进行了统计处理和分析。