- It will make tens of millions of people in Bangladesh and Egypt homeless. 几千万孟加拉人和埃及人将无家可归。
- There are still tens of millions of people in the countryside who do not yet have enough food and clothing, but things are much better than before. 现在农村还有几千万人温饱问题没有完全解决,不过也比过去好多了。
- The bug infects tens of millions of people every year in tropical countries, causing flulike symptoms and even death. 在热带国家钩端螺旋体每年感染上千万人,导致感冒样综合征,甚至死亡。
- What he calls “the Godless religions of Nazism and communism” killed tens of millions of people. 他宣称“不信神的纳粹教和共产主义教”杀害了千百万人类。
- He estimated that in the United States fear that afflicts tens of millions of people. 他估计在美国这种恐惧折磨着几千万人民。
- All in all, the WWF estimated that tens of millions of people around the world participated in Earth Hour. 总而言之,世界自然基金会估计,全世界有几千万人参与了地球一小时活动。
- Many Chinese people can remember the famines of the early 1960s which killed tens of millions of people. 许多中国民众还记得上世纪六十年代那场夺去成百上千万人生命的饥荒。
- If there are no signs of a recovery, tens of millions of people will experience a bewilderment which is entirely new to them. 如果没有复苏的迹象,数千万的美国人将经历一种对他们来说完全陌生的困惑。
- China called off its weeklong May Day vacation in hopes of stopping tens of millions of people from traveling and spreading the virus. 中国政府放弃一周的五一劳动节假期,希望阻止几千万的旅游人口,防止病毒的扩散。
- As a result, tens of millions of people will lose their jobs and/or their homes because of continued economic mismanagement. 结果是,数千万人会因为持续的经济处置不当而失去工作和/或他们的家。
- Afflicting tens of millions of people worldwide, it is associated with increased risk of death from heart disease and is a major cause of stroke. 世界上有千百万人患有此病,它增加心源性死亡,是卒中的主要原因之一。
- Tens of millions of people engaged in individual and private businesses have increased income, improved their living standards, and simultaneously increased the tax sources for the State. 数千万群众通过从事个体私营经济,增加了收入,改善了生活,同时也为国家拓展了税源。
- The stakes are enormous :An increase measured in tens of centimeters could wreak havoc for hundreds of millions of people living in low-lying deltas and island nations around the world. 这导致的后果将触目惊心:海平面升高几十厘米就足以威胁居住在地势较低的三角洲及岛国地区的亿万人民的生存。
- The stakes are enormous: An increase measured in tens of centimeters could wreak havoc for hundreds of millions of people living in low-lying deltas and island nations around the world. 这导致的后果将触目惊心:海平面升高几十考(试大厘米就足以威胁居住在地势较低的三角洲及岛国地区的亿万人民的生存。
- Severe winter weather is causing worsening travel chaos in China as tens of millions of people try to return home for the Lunar New Year holiday.From Shanghai Quentin Sommerville reports. 恶劣的天气已经造成了中国更加严重的交通问题,将近有成百万的中国人希望能回家过年。
- Tens of millions of dollars in Flag Telcom’s Falcon Cable System . 数以千万计的电信旗的猎鹰有线系统.
- A force of hundreds of millions of people! 这是一支几万万人的军队啊!
- Tens of millions of dollars in Flag Telcom's Falcon Cable System . 数以千万计的电信旗的猎鹰有线系统.
- Overseas Chinese donations tens of millions of Yuan. 海外华人捐献了数千万元。
- His name lies embedded in the minds of millions of people. 他的名字铭刻在千百万人的心中。