- tenesmus diarrhea 里急后重
- They believed that the physic could stop your diarrhea. 他们相信这药剂能够止泻。
- Vomiting with sour vomitus of spouting diarrhea with tenesmus is caused by wind. 诸病吐酸,暴注下迫,皆属于热。
- The pain had become constant in the last two months and was associated with diarrhea and tenesmus. 近二个月有持续疼痛的情形,且合并腹泻及裹急后重。
- Want to definitely diagnose first, inside tenesmus and mucus then, diarrhea should be the problem of intestine way, personal think may be a chronic enteritis. 首先要明确诊断,里急后重和黏液便、腹泻应该是肠道方面的问题,个人认为可能是慢性肠炎。
- The cause of diarrhea are numerous. 引起腹泻的原因很多。
- Bleeding and diarrhea signal the onset of symptoms. 出血和腹泻意味着症状的发作。
- B: I have headache, nausea and diarrhea. 甲:我头痛,恶心,还有腹泻。
- Rotavirus and the Nebraska calf diarrhea virus. 内布拉斯加牛腹泻病毒。
- The diarrhea in young pigs is usually profuse. 在小猪中,腹泻通常是剧烈的。
- Have you been having any diarrhea? 你一直在腹泻吗?
- Diarrhea also leads to dehydration. 腹泻也会导致脱水。
- Then felt some tenesmus stomach, lying on the ground. 当时就感到肚子有些下坠,躺在了地上。
- I have severe diarrhea with pain. 我拉肚子很厉害,而且也痛。
- Tenesmus with difficult passage stool was noted for half year. 里急后重通过大便困难已半年被注意。
- A substance used to prevent or treat diarrhea. 抗腹泻药剂用于预防或治疗腹泻的物质
- Nursing Management of Acute Infectious Diarrhea. 急性传染性腹泻的护理。
- A: I have a fever.I have a headche and diarrhea. 我在发烧,头很痛,还拉肚子。
- Taking with tea may induce hiccups or diarrhea. 不可与茶同服,若同服亦能引起呃逆。
- Three days later his diarrhea was checked. 三天以后他的痢疾止住了。