- 芳香酶抑制药aromatase inhibitor
- 还原酶抑制药HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor HMG-CoA
- 药medicine
- 碳酸酐酶抑制药carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
- 抑制to inhibit
- 环加氧酶抑制药Cyclooxygenase inhibitors
- 胆碱脂酶抑制药cholinesterase inhibitant
- 酶抑制法快速检测蔬菜中有机磷农药残留的最佳条件研究Study on optimal conditions of enzyme inhibition for rapid detection of organophosphate pesticide residues in vegetables
- maleic hydrazide(植物生长抑制药)马来酰肼
- 酶抑制率enzyme inhibition rate
- 抑制精神的,抗精神活动的,精神抑制药antipsychotic
- 酶抑制法enzyme inhibition
- 精神抑制药镇静药,特别用于治疗精神紊乱A tranquilizing drug,especially one used in treating mental disorders.
- 尿素酶抑制Urease inhibitor
- 中枢抑制药对毒扁豆碱石杉碱甲LD_(50)的影响Effects of Central Nervous System Depressants on LD_(50) of Physostigmine or Huperzine A in Mice
- 胰酶抑制体trypsin inhibitor
- 病毒抑制药virostatic
- 酶抑制测定EIA; enzyme-inhibition assay
- 抑制药depressant
- 酶抑制分离enzyme inhibition partition