- The plane flew ten times as high as the kite. 那架飞机的飞行高度是那只风筝的十倍。
- Changchun is ten times as big as my hometown. 长春比我的家乡大九倍。
- Beijing is ten times as big as my home town. 北京有我家乡十倍大。
- New York is ten times as big as my home town. 纽约有我的家乡十个大。
- Do you know today that the Russians broadcast ten times as many programs in Spanish to Latin America as we do? 你知道吗,现在苏联用西班牙语对拉丁美洲的广播节目是我们的十倍;
- Improved Fabricate. As fabricate, but ten times as much. 高等鬼斧神工:和鬼斧神工相同,不过可以制作十倍体积的物品。
- We produce ten times as many tractors as the United States. 我们生产的拖拉机是美国的10倍。
- ten times as easy 容易十倍, 容易得多
- We've produced ten times as much cotton this year as we did twenty years ago. 我们今年生产的棉花是二十年前的十倍。
- Because his engine did ten times as much work as the horse, Watt called it a ten. 因为他的机器作了相当于马十倍的功,Watt叫它十马力发动机。
- It costs an obscene amount of resources to advance to Imperial, easily ten times as much as the previous ages. 升级帝王时代要花费巨额的资源,十倍于升级以前的时代。
- In some countries, prices are exorbitantly high which are ten times as much as that in China. 一些国家的物价水平高,大概是中国国内的十倍。
- By the end of century is says tabacco would kill one billion people, ten times as many as the 20th century. 世界卫生组织声称,吸烟每年导致500万人死讯。据预测,这一数字到2030年将上升到800万。
- That means solar panels can generate ten times as much electricity as they currently do.Our science reporter Matt McGrath has the details. 这意味着太阳能电池板可以产生相当于现在10倍的电力。
- But I think it's as easy as shelling peas. 但是我觉得是件轻而易举的事。
- He and his colleagues have turned to archaeological and anthropological data to show that early farmers used ten times as much land per person as modern farmers. 他和他的同事开始转而研究考古学和人类学的数据,其显示早期的农民人均使用了十倍于现代农民的耕地面积。
- The other menu item is just as easy to use. 其它的菜单项也同样易于使用。
- It is ten times louder than another. 它比另外一个的声音大十倍。
- Come the midterm, it's three times as easy to study from a refined document as it is to scan a highlighted textbook that looks more like a Christmas tree than a summary of the reading. 那么在期中考试来临时,和阅读整本划过重点的书相比,你只需要三分之一的时间便可以看上一遍整理过的文档。而与自己的阅读总结相比,划过重点的书就像圣诞树一样复杂难看。
- Higher concentration of AZT in mice injected AZT-GalCer was found in plasma after 30 min and it was ten times as high as in mice injected with AZT. AZT GalCer组较游离AZT组血药浓度显著升高 ,特别是 30min后升高达数十倍 ;