- Any of numerous hand tools for boring holes. 钻孔工具,手钻钻孔用的手持工具
- A large tool for boring into the earth. 土螺钻,地螺钻一种用来钻土地的大型工具
- A template for a type of managed object. 一种类型的托管对象的模板。
- A tool for boring holes in wood or ice. 螺旋钻,木螺钻一种用于在木头或冰上钻孔的工具
- A needle-shaped drill for boring holes in rock or masonry. 钻头,钻石器,钻孔器用于在岩石或砖石上钻孔的针形钻
- template for boring 镗孔样板
- Gets or sets the template for alternating items in the. 中交替项的模板。
- Object to be designated as a template for copying file attributes. 对象指定为模板,以便复制文件属性。
- This form will be the template for your MDI child forms. 此窗体将作为MDI子窗体的模板。
- You could win the following template for FREE if you order our. 您将有机会免费得到以下的网页模板。
- Source code template for A251/A51 assembler modules. A51汇编模块的源代码模板。
- Their eight-year affair was a template for royal scandals that followed. 这段持续8年的感情仿佛是后来出现的王室丑闻的样板。
- Their eight-year affection was a template for royal scandals that followed. 这段持续8年的感情仿佛是后来出现的王室丑闻的样板。
- An implement with cutting edges or a pointed end for boring holes in hard materials, usually by a rotating abrasion or repeated blows; a bit. 钻带切割刃或尖端的工具,用于在坚硬材料上钻孔,一般靠旋转磨损或反复击打实现钻孔
- Gets or sets the template for displaying an item in insert mode in a. 对象中处于插入模式中的项。
- Gets or sets the template for displaying the alternating items in a. 对象中交替项的模板。
- Gets or sets the template for the heading section of the DataList control. 获取或设置DataList控件的标题部分的模板。
- The default template for a document library is located in the Forms folder. 文档库的默认模板位于Forms文件夹中。
- Inserts a fast object factory template for a type into the compiled assembly. 将类型的快速对象工厂模板插入到编译后的程序集中。
- Imagine that you design an expense report template for your team to use. 假设您设计了一个费用报表模板供工作组使用。