- My father will give me a thick ear if I tell a lie. 要是我撒谎的话,我父亲会狠揍我的。
- The host tell a joke to his guest to break the ice. 主人为了打破僵局,给客人讲了个笑话。
- Concerned parents held a meeting. 忧心忡忡的家长们开了一次会。
- I'll be beggared if I tell a lie. 我若撒谎,就叫我没好下场。
- The principal shareholder ask for a meeting. 主要股东们要求召开会议。
- He generally keeps silent at a meeting. 他通常在会上保持沉默。
- I'm tied up in a meeting until 3 pm. 我开会直到下午三点钟方可脱身。
- On his return, he called a meeting of the cadres. 回来之后,他召集了一次干部会议。
- Who can rely on such a man as to tell a lie? 谁能信任这样一个撒谎的人?
- The caller asked for a meeting with our leader. 访客要求见我们的领导。
- Can you arrange a meeting with up? 你可否安排我们开个会?
- Mr Haider told a meeting of the party leadership in Vienna that he did not want to stand in the way of the work of the new government. 海德尔在维也纳举行的自由党领导人会议上说,他不想阻碍奥地利新政府的工作。
- John's refusal to tell a lie spoke volumes for his honesty. 约翰拒绝撒谎,这足以说明他为人诚实。
- The manager is having a meeting. 经理正在开会。
- They held a meeting to clear the air. 他们召开了一次会议来消除误解。
- One infusion kept levels down for at least six months in 40 percent of the patients, the researchers told a meeting in San Francisco of the American College of Rheumatology. 研究人员在美国风湿病学会在旧金山召开的一次会议上说,有百分之四十的患者一次输液可以至少6个月保持(尿酸)处于低水平。
- He convened a meeting of the members of the club. 他召集俱乐部成员开会。
- He has told a story which sound not objective. 他讲了听起来不真实的一个故事。
- According to Sports Minister Agnelo Queiroz, the president told a meeting on sports and fitness: "I am overweight and because of this I do regular exercise... 在这项研究发表之后,总统希望国民也来效仿他。
- Mr. White isn't here; he's at a meeting. 怀特先生不在这儿,他在开会。