- Streets that once teemed with life are as silent as churchyards. 以前充满生机和活力的街道现在宛如教堂墓地一样沉寂。
- Ordinarily upwelling systems such as that off Oregon teem with life. 俄勒冈沿岸的涌升流系统本来应该充满生机,就像其他的涌升流一样。
- The oceans are teeming with life. 海洋中充满了生命。
- It's spring and the earth is teeming with life. 春天来了,大地充满生机。
- Beneath these frigid waters, researchers find a world teeming with life. 在这些寒冷的水下,研究人员发现了一个充满生机的世界。
- Beneath these frigid waters researchers find a world teeming with life. 在这片坚硬的冰层之下,研究者发现了一个蕴含生命的丰富多彩的世界。
- The rivers and streams of the basin teem with life, and the forest canopy resonates with the cries of birds and monkeys and the whine of insects. 亚马逊流域的河流小溪养育了大量生命,鸟儿的歌声,猿猴的啼叫和昆虫的长鸣在茂密森林中回响。
- Quality soil is loose, clumpy, filled with air pockets and teeming with life. 优质土壤质地松软,团粒结构好,孔隙发育,微生物和土壤生物丰富。
- This ocean may be teeming with life forms, say scientists, and studying Vostok may teach them how to study Europa. 科学家说欧罗巴的海洋可能富含生命,研究沃斯托克可以帮助研究欧罗巴。
- A sand beach, which may seem like a dull and dreary place, is actually teeming with life. 景致看来单调的沙地,其实充满生机,研究螃蟹的刘烘昌,常在此一待几个小时。
- All nature seemed pregnant with life. 整个大自然似乎充满了活力。
- His article teemed with blunders. 他的文章错误百出。
- This harbour teemed with oceangoing commerce. 这一海港曾经有繁盛的海外贸易。
- The picture is instinct with life and beauty. 这幅画充满着生机,美极了。
- The swamp teemed with mosquitoes . 这块沼泽地里有许多蚊子。
- The swamp teemed with mosquitoes. 这块沼泽地里有许多蚊子。
- John is disillusioned with life in general. 约翰对整个生活失去了信心。
- She's disillusioned with life in general. 她对生活各方面均不抱幻想了。
- The land is teeming with reptile life. 这片土地多爬行动物。
- The coastal waters teem with fat crabs. 连片的蟹滩为盘锦生态增添了勃勃生机。