- Probe into Tectonic Relationship of Chang Ti Potential mountain in ShangLi Oilfield 胜利油区长堤潜山区域构造关系探讨
- Their relationship is over and done with. 他们的关系完全断绝了。
- A note of discord crept into their relationship. 他们的关系出现了裂痕。
- The relationship between them is being improved. 他们之间的关系正在改善。
- Our advice helped them to smooth out their relationship. 我们的建议帮助他们消除了相互关系中的障碍。
- Their relationship soon went sour. 他们的关系不久就变坏了。
- Our relationship is coming apart at the seams. 我们的关系破裂了。
- Mary is not ready for a new relationship yet. 玛莉对进入新的恋爱关系还没有准备。
- Our relationship is falling apart at the seams. 我们的关系破裂了。
- What is your relationship to the victim? 你是受害者的什么人?
- Their relationship has lasted many years. 他们的感情已经有很多年了。
- Our relationship has been normalized. 我们的关系正常了。
- Stratigraphic unit or tectonic unit? 是地层单元还是构造单元?
- During the later period, strong tectonic defo. 晚期强烈构造变形,使得现今海相油气藏成藏期晚。
- Is Shilu Group Tectonic Melange? 石碌群是构造混杂岩?
- I met a man on the street who claimed relationship with me. 我在街上遇到一个人,他与我认亲戚。
- But the country's tectonic plates had shifted. 但是国家的上层建筑已经不再一样了。
- But the tectonic plates are shifting. 但是,“地壳板块”正在移动。
- These requirements are absolutely basic to a good relationship. 这些条件是良好的关系必不可少的。
- tectonic relationship 大地构造关系