- I'd like to know the possibility of technology transfer from you. 我想知道能否从贵公司获得技术转让。
- To encourage technology transfer and extension. 鼓励技术转让和延伸
- Shall we discuss technology transfer brief now? 我们可以讨论下技术转让的概要了吗?
- Technology transfer will continue at an ever increasing pace. 技术转让总会保持不断加快的步伐。
- The technology transfer fee shall be paid in royalties. 技术转让费应以版权费形式支付。
- Technology transfer is one of UCAR*s six primary goals. 其中每一项捐给博士学位的大气和相关科学的赠款,还有越来越多的国际公司提供相当的学位,北美的学术子公司提供博士后学位.;技术转移是UCAR的六个主要目标之一。
- China is a huge potential market for UK industry and technology transfer. 中国是英国工业与技术传播的一个巨大的潜在市场。
- Charges for technology transfer shall be paid in royalty and shall be fair and reasonable. 技术转让费将以提成费的形式支付,而且应公平合理。
- The industry life cycle will influence the technology transferring's antitype. 3. 2.;产业生命周期会影响技术知识移转类型。
- The proceeds from technology transfer by a foreign invested enterprise will be exempted from business tax. 外商投资企业取得的技术转让收入免征营业税。
- Topics include legal issues, technology transfer and adding an international component to an incubation program. 主题将包括法律目录,技术转移和在孵化器项目中增加国际组成部分。
- Our policies on technology transfer will continue to evolve along with our overall relationship and the development of broader cooperation between us. 我国的技术转让政策将根据两国的全面关系和更广泛合作的发展情况而变化。
- It was important to note that the most important thing for technology transfer was a favorable climate. 应当注意,有利的环境是技术转让的重要环节。
- An important step in this direction has been the publication of guides on technology transfer and copyright licensing. 朝这一方向迈出的重要一步是,发表了技术转让和版权使用许可指南。
- The Delegation supported, in principle, proposals 26 and 27 which dealt with promoting technology transfer. 加拿大代表团原则上支持有关促进技术转让的提案26和27。
- Technology transfers to foreign countries must be approved by the government. 针对外国的技术转让必须征得本国政府的同意。
- Promotion of IP protection, and not engage in lengthy debates about technology transfer policies. 护;而不是参与有关技术转让政策的冗长的辩论。
- As some delegations had noted, technology transfer was something basically dependent on the private sector. 正如一些代表团所指出,技术转让基本上有赖于私营部门。
- Is an elite training centre for engineers and a hub of cutting-edge research and technology transfer. 是优秀工程人才的摇篮,也是尖端研究和技术转移的中心。
- Mr Ma also called for greater technology transfer from wealthy nations, as envisaged under previous UN agreements. 马凯还呼吁富裕国家按照以前的联合国公约的设想,加大技术转让力度。