- This paper approves the standpoint that making technological appraise and technological selection and technological integration from the point of technological application can ensure the quality of town construction project and town. 本文认为只有站在城镇建设技术应用的角度,帮助城镇建设者进行技术的需求分析、明确其技术需求,同时做好技术的评价、技术优选及技术的集成整合工作,将集成设计的思想应用到建设项目方案中,才能保证城镇建设项目的质量,也才能保证整个城镇建设的质量。
- To meet the requirements of the Olympic Games,scientific research in technologies,technological integration and new-tech introduction will be promoted so as to increase the application of high and new technological achievements at the Olympic Games. 从奥运需求出发,加强重点领域的科研攻关、技术集成和引进技术的消化吸收,推动高新技术成果在奥运会各环节的应用。
- Ensuring permanent and undisturbed port traffic, technical and technological integrity and safety of navigation. 确保港运的维持与顺利运营,海事的技术综合。
- What are major technologies integration problems with Hopkins libraries? What is the key problem, and why? 霍普金斯图书馆有什么主要的技术整合的问题?最主要的问题是什么,为什么?
- Specialist on embedded software development, Automobile electronics technology integration. 专注于嵌入式软件设计、汽车电子方案开发整合。
- It is shown that with new technology integration, laser holography will find more and more application foreground. 结论是:随著激光全息技术不断与其他学科最新技术的交叉和综合运用,其应用前景将越来越广泛。
- To meet the requirements of the Olympic Games, scientific research in technologies, technological integration and new-tech introduction will be promoted so as to increase the application of high and new technological achievements at the Olympic Games. 从奥运需求出发,加强重点领域的科研攻关、技术集成和引进技术的消化吸收,推动高新技术成果在奥运会各环节的应用。
- Economic globalization, time compression and technology integration provide challenges for the living and development of modern enterprise. 经济全球化,时间紧缩以及技术集成对现代企业的生存和发展提出了挑战。
- technological integration competence 技术整合能力
- After backstage electronic finance and proscenium electronic finance,Chinese electronic finance has entered into an application stage of technology integration. 我国金融电子化在经历了后台电子化、前台电子化之后,目前已进入了以网络开发为标志的技术集成化应用阶段。
- STEP(Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data) has been worked out by ISO. The technology integration of CAD and CAPP System based on STEP Standard was introduced and the integration project based on the PDM platform was provided in this paper. STEP (StandardfortheExchangeofProductModelData)标准是国际化标准组织制定的产品数据表达与交换的标准 ,本文介绍了在通过STEP标准来实现CAD/CAPP系统集成的技术 ,并给出了基于PDM的集成方案
- An analytic framework is constructed on three basic elements. including technology integration, knowledge integration and organization integration, and the evaluation index system is established upon this framework. 通过对整个分析框架的综合研究,提出了集成创新的评价指标体系。
- Qing Dao, Foshan and Guang Xi's digital TV wholly transformation are all supported by DVN Group, providing them with the full-way “One-stop” technology integration and operation services. 青岛、佛山、广西等地的数字电视整体转换均由天柏集团提供全程“一站式”技术集成和应用服务,并为杭州数字电视提供了主要的技术服务。
- Provide consulting services for cities or regions, including general planning, schematic design, technology integration, expert evaluation, etc. about disposal and utilization of solid wastes. 受固体废物处理项目业主或政府委托,提供项目的运营管理服务。
- Home entertainment and home office products continue to intersect as technology integrates itself further into our daily lives. 随着技术越来越融入到我们的日常生活中,家庭娱乐和家庭办公室产品间的界限越来越模糊。
- Industrial Computerized Tomography (ICT) is a kind of imaging technology integrating computer technology with radiology. 工业CT(Computerized Tomography)是计算机技术与放射学相结合产生的一种的成像技术。
- technological integrative innovation 技术集成创新
- The jobs have been made redundant by technological advance. 这些职业工种因技术的发展而变得多余。
- Although I suspect it will never actually happen, it would be exciting to have Psyco-type technology integrated into some future version of Python itself. 若将Psyco类型的技术集成到Python本身的某个未来版本中去,会多么令人激动,尽管我怀疑这永远不会真正发生。
- A period of sequential technological development and innovation. 阶段持续的技术发展和革新的一段时期