- He has had good technical training. 他受过良好的技术培训。
- He lost no time in technical training. 他抓紧时间进行技术训练。
- Provide technical training to customers. 向客户提供技术培训。
- The expenses for the technical training are to be borne by you. 技术培训费用由你方负责。
- The expenses for the technical training were to be borne by you. 技术培训费用由你方负责。
- The expenses for the technical training will be borne by you. 技术培训费用由你方负责。
- Provide technical training and support to Test Eng and Operation. 为生产部提供测试相关的技术支持和培训。
- Provide technical training when needed to employees of our clients. 必要时为客户的员工提供技术培训。
- He will go to the technical training class every other day. 他将每隔一天到技术训练班去学习。
- Conduct technical training and test for maintenance termly. 定期对维修人员进行技术培训和考核。
- Arrange and assort with technicians of the technical training. 协调与安排维保员工的技术培训。
- Responsible for coordinating technical training in Seton Shanghai. 负责世腾上海公司的技术培训协调工作。
- Coordinate technical training within manufacturing dept. 与相关部门之间的协调。
- Provide technical training both internal and external termly. 定期提供培训。
- It's quite clear that the electric car is technically feasible. 电动汽车明显在工艺技术上是可行的。
- Universities in the world are already trying to guarantee that their students will not only be technically trained but will be the kind of people that can adapt. 说明学生不但要受技术上的训练,还得要适应不断变化的情况。因而那些只有技能的毕业生,不是今后教育要培养的。
- Making technical training to the blue collar workers working in production. 完成对生产部蓝领职工技术培训。
- Would you like to join the Technical Training Corps of Sydney Day and train? 愿意参加悉尼日机构培训团体的培训?
- Providing technical training to the sales engineers, dealers and end users? 对销售工程师、经销商、最终用户进行技?
- David is famous for his billiards technic. 大卫因他的台球技术而出名。