- Professor Zhang found a technical error in your paper. 教授在你的论文中发现了一个技术性的错误。
- Corrected technical error to clarify that you cannot bring a filegroup online when a database snapshot exists. 更正了技术错误,并阐明以下事实:当存在数据库快照时,不能使文件组在线。
- E_fatalError: (10500) Signifies that a serious technical error has occurred while processing the request. E_fatalError: (10500) 表示在处理请求的时候产生一个严重的技术错误。
- My wife has been pregnant for three months...Although it is a nice technical error, this really confounded me... 低迷了两个多月,期间还要照顾老婆,做菜洗衣打扫卫生;却还要装作一切都很美好的样子...
- Because significant technical error, Harbo's scientific measuring appliance on September 27 automatic stopping work. 因为重大技术错误,哈勃的科学仪表9月27日自动停止工作。
- Due to the technical skills involved in prosecuting a malpractice claim, an inexperienced lawyer may not be sufficiently conversant with the medical issues, or might make a technical error that causes a case to be lost or dismissed. 由于提起医疗诉讼需要很好的技巧,没有经验的律师很可能不太熟悉医疗相关的事项,或者犯了技巧上的错误而造成案件失败或者被驳回。
- He learned technical skills by trial and error. 他通过不断摸索掌握技能。
- One of the most damaging technical errors is the habit of placing the thumb under the palm. 一个有破坏性弹奏技术的错误是拇指总习惯于低于手掌。
- Trading strategies aimed at exploiting errors in prices (commonly known as “sniping” and/or "scalping") or technical errors of the trading platform are not accepted by the Company. 公司不接受旨在利用价格错误(通常以“狙击法”和/或“剥头皮法”为人所知)或交易系统技术错误的交易策略。
- Here is some catalogue and technical data. 这儿有一些产品目录和技术资料。
- This book is too technical for me. 对我来说,这本书太专业了。
- The article is rather technical in places. 这篇论文中有些地方相当专业化。
- The flight was delayed owing to technical reasons. 这次飞行由于技术的原因而被推迟。
- Let me advise you on technical matters. 我来向你提供有关技术问题的意见。
- A pianist gifted with technical wizardry. 有专业技巧的天才钢琴家
- On technical matters, I defer to the experts. 在技术问题上,我遵从专家的意见。
- Tom attends the technical college on day release. 汤姆每周一天到工学院去修课。
- The job calls for technical skill. 做这项工作需要专门技术。
- A technical sergeant hunches in a cubicle. 一位技术军士在一间小屋里弯腰坐着。
- The launch was delayed by a technical hitch. 由於技术上出现临时故障而发射延期。